"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


It's been a long time since I have written, too long but today I am starting again.

Today I am praying for strength to handle all that is coming my way.
Today I am praying for the correct path of my career to been seen.
Today I am praying for patience, because of said career path not yet showing and because my kids need their momma to be patient.
Today I am remembering what is important in life.
Today I am not looking for a job, I am spending the day with my little ones at the Reds game and taking care of some of the overwhelming project list items.
Today I am grateful for what I have in our lives and our family and friends.
Today I am excited to spend an evening out listening to music.
Today I am FINALLY downloading 1012 pictures from my camera and sharing them with family.
Today I am promising myself that it is okay that I have slipped in journey to be more present for my kids and that today is a new day to start again.
Today I am just starting over.

It is a new day, the sun is shining and we are healthy (well for the most part aside from someone's back)

I am sad about many things but I have to see the strength in what they are teaching, even if it is hard.

I am learning that I need to talk to people and have a normal interaction schedule, I miss the people the most.

I am learning each day and that is okay.  It is who I am and who I will continue to be.

Take a minute today and realize that it is a new day.
They are not all great, they shouldn't be but today is mine and I am going to make the most of it.
Give your loved ones a hug and say hello to a stranger, you just may give them a new day.

Until tomorrow, when I will write again about my kiddos enjoy today.