"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Thursday, February 14, 2013

In the blink of an eye...

Five years ago today, exactly today, I returned to work after having Caden and Maggie, my how time flies!  I just cannot believe it.  I know it goes fast, everyone has warned me and told me it goes fast, I have seen it with our younger cousins but until you live it you have no idea how fast it can go. 
It is important to remember the journey thus far, and oh it has been a wonderful one in those five years! 

Five years ago I had no idea if I could be a mom, wife and employee - it was a HARD adjustment but there is so much to learn when you push yourself to do the things you never think you can.  There were many days were we headed off to work with no sleep but yet made it through, came home and held babies, got just a little more sleep than the night before and did it all again the next day.  There were days when I was not sure I had on an outfit that made sense or shoes that matched and there was always spit up on my shirt.  We learned how to sleep sitting up when holding Caden because he did not and still does not like to be in his bed by himself.  We learned that you do not need to pack the house when you leave.  We learned we can actually travel and enjoy the trip with these amazing little creatures which we created.  We have learned that we have to take care of ourselves too to be at our best for them and that yes we are getting older.  We have learned that our schedule was always going to change because these two little people were running the house and Matthew and I were just needed help at times.

We have learned so much from them: they teach you how to see people differently, you grow patience it may never be enough but I promise you it does grow, you learn what it is like to learn everything brand new and to see the world as a new and exciting adventure, you learn what it means to love someone than you ever knew you could love so much so that it hurts, you learn to forgive because remember a lot of what they are doing is learning and you learn that you are not a perfect parent but as long as you do your best they will turn into fine little people. 

We hope: that we are doing things at least partly right in raising them all, that we are spending enough one on one time with them all, that we are teaching them what it means to be responsible for your actions, that they will understand that you get what you want when you work hard for it, that failure is okay - you will always learn something from failure, that you love your family because no matter what they are there for you and you will need them some day and most of all that they are just happy, healthy little kids and yes I even hope some days that they will stop growing and that I could freeze time but I cannot so we keep going. 

We push ourselves to do more, we learn more as we go and we continue to hope for the best. 
It is what we do as parents and it is still more than I ever imagined myself doing so it gives me happy tears with a smile on my face and joy in my heart.
On this Valentine's Day I could not ask for a better present than my family - all 6 of us - and I could not imagine my life any other way shared with anyone else. 
If you are a part of our journey I greatly appreciate you, thank you and love you all because this is one heck of a journey we are on and it is not one for the weak of heart, or who cannot handle a messy house!
My life now
My life 5 years ago today

Monday, February 4, 2013

Just a few more photos to share!

I finally was able to get the other photos to work that I wanted to post - and I even stole one from Eric - did I mention he is training for the Louisville IRONMAN in my last blog? 
Check out Eric's blog about his journey (My Road to IRONMAN Louisville 2013) and support what he is doing if you can.  I am pretty sure he will appreciate my kids getting up early on our next visit as it is one way to make sure he makes it to the early morning swim training sessions!  I give him a ton of credit for what he is doing and think his wife is a saint for all of the time he is putting into the training - that is dedication on her part too, it is definitely a family journey! 

Feeding these kids was quite fun! 

The Boys at Monster Jam!

These two life long friends are the reason we all came together!

Again, it was one fabulous weekend, we are now planning these quarterly and cannot wait for the next one.  As far as Eric and his Ironman journey - we will be there cheering him on.  What an amazing accomplishment he is working towards

I am so grateful these two guys from a small little town brought some many wonderful people together and have created such amazing friends for life in all of us!