"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Oh to be a 2 year old!

During my commute to work I think about a lot, mostly my mind wonders but there is one thought that has been coming up more often than others and it is this.....if everyone could be two, the world would be a better place.

Here is why:
  • Two year olds know nothing other than unconditional love: no matter what you look like, if you have money or not, if you have a disability, if you had a bad day, if you can count to ten or even if you can walk.  They know nothing about how cruel the world can be and they are not mean to anyone, that is unless you steal their toy. 
  • They are sponges to learn: they question everything, they never take no for an answer and try until they get it right.
  • They know when you need a hug or snuggle: there are many of days that they amaze me that they know I had a rough day and it can all quickly go away with a hug, some kisses and snuggles.  Mallory has a habit of grabbing your cheeks to bring you to get a kiss from her and a BIG kiss it usually will be.
  • They are polite: they are leaning and remember their manners and use them for everything - bye, bye cars; bye, bye Abby (as Cale said when we left the pool with Abby and Megan on Sunday, even though we were going back to their house); bye, bye bike; bye, bye friends as we leave school and on and on until there is nothing left to which to say goodbye.
  • They have no concept of rushing through things: either walking into school, eating, going potty or whatever they are doing, it is at their pace and that is not always fast.  Too often the people in the world are rushing through life and do not stop to take things in, not a two year old, they are on their own time! This quality is gone so quickly, Maggie who is only 4 cannot wait to turn 5 and has been wanting to be 5 for over a year now - really Mags, slow it down for momma!
  •  The world is an unknown and safe place for them: everything is good, there is no evil and no war, there are no tragedy such as a shooting in a movie theater, there is no cancer effecting our loved ones, there is only their perfect world which they have known for 24 short months.
  • They have the biggest hearts and could care less how they look in a swimsuit: when we were recently at my mom's and I forget my swimsuit, Cale grabs a swim diaper and says "here you go mommy" he could care less if I had a proper swimsuit, to him all you need is a swim diaper!  As adults you know we all care how we look in a swimsuit and try to find one that flatters us the most.
I know that many say the "terrible twos" but we have not really had those in any of our four children, now let's talk in 12 months when they are three - that is a completely different story for me.
For now, I am enjoying my two year olds as well as my four year olds.  I am reminded often that even though my patience is tested with each of them at times, these children are my blessings, pride and joy, I could not have seen the plan that God had in store for Matthew and I in being parents but I cannot imagine my life any other way!

Mallory and Cale, thank you for being my reminder to slow down, be a little nicer, enjoy the world we love and to learn as much as I can!  I love you and your lessons you are bringing and the jumping out of bed as you do each day to face the world!

1 comment:

  1. Trina, I love this post. It's absolutely right on point!
    Margot checks all those boxes... Especially the swimsuit one. Lately she's been begging me to put on my swimsuit and run through the sprinkler with her... In the front yard!!!
    Thanks for the reminder to notice these sweet little attributes.
