"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

We are registered for Kindergarten!

It is official, the paperwork is in, the testing is done, the tour complete and we have two VERY excited five year old children who are ready for Kindergarten and will enter school on August 1, 2013 as the class of 2026! Well at least high school graduation seems like a long way off but then again that is what I thought 6 years ago, almost to the day, that we went to do our embryo transfer. 

It really is a bittersweet moment the whole thing.  On one hand I am so proud they are doing so well and that they are learning to fly in the real world.  On another, I want my little 4lb babies back who changed our lives forever.  Some days I just miss those late night feedings when all was quiet and it was just me and my babies - I know it may sound crazy but it has just gone way too fast.  The truth is they are ready to go, they are SUPER excited, they have so many questions, a little bit of nerves and are just growing up so I need to let them go.

Right now in their minds they are gearing up for the Pre K prom - yes PROM - and cannot wait until Friday.  Just this morning as I was explaining to Maggie that I was going to pick her up early to take her to register for Kindergarten she said, "but will I still get to go to prom on Friday?" while she was excited about the idea of kindergarten she did not want to miss this prom.  I am so excited I am going to be able to go with them, it is still up in the air on what I will wear but Miss Maggie has chosen her dress already and Caden has his tuxedo t-shirt ready to go!

After prom we begin the Pre K graduation countdown.  That will be here and while it is exciting that they are graduating it will be sad as that means we are leaving Ms. Lauren who has been the kids teacher for the last 2 years and who they love dearly.  In the same conversation about prom this morning Maggie was talking about how she will go to Ms. Lauren's room in the morning, the go to kindergarten then come back to Ms. Lauren's class for more fun and some days Ms. Lauren will go to kindergarten with her!

Caden had not really said whether he was excited or not about kindergarten however, as we left school he showed me just how excited he was about going and his one question was "where will I play baseball with my friends?" 

Just as we arrived it was pick up time and the buses were coming, which was a great thing for them to see.  They had a million questions and Maggie was worried that she was going to miss her bus - she thought she was riding it today - but just seeing that there were other kids there that would be getting on the bus made them happy.  In we went to register, they took the kids to "play some games" to see where they are in skills, Matt and I filled out a million pieces of paper and then we waited for them to come out.  They did great, Caden said he counted to 60 and Maggie said she counted to 70.  We did not ask them anymore but we did go off to find Mrs. Albright so she could give them a personal tour of the playground.  I am so grateful that we know the teachers at the school and that the kids had the chance to look around.  I know they feel better and I definitely feel better about them being there.

It is bittersweet, fun, exciting to be starting a new chapter in their lives, but sad - my babies are growing up!

Maggie and Caden, we love you and are proud of you and the people you are becoming. 
You amaze us everyday with what you know and where you want to go. 
To the class of 2026 may all of your years be wonderful, may they not fly by too fast and may you cherish each event - good and bad - and know that  you will go far in life and can do whatever it is you want to do - the world is yours!

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