"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I am missing my writing and remembering time

As I ate lunch at my desk today I starting thinking about everything that is flying by in life and what is missing or clouding my head.  I realized I missed my almost daily writings of my blog.  Not for all to read but for me to clear my head, capture the most important moments (okay sometimes they aren't important just funny) in our lives, and have a place to return and remember what it was my children and we as a family were doing at that time. 

I have been too "busy" with other things to get all of my thoughts out but after writing today, a post I started a month ago, I remember why I started this journey and why it is important for me to make time to write my stories of our lives.

So I am making a promise to myself, to take a lunch at least twice a week to get my thoughts and memories out of my head and into something we can keep.  I may have to do some catching up so bear with me if you want to read but they will all be here.  That is my May goal!  I have lots and lots of photos to get off my camera and into our hearts.

I miss my writing but need it and will be back with more....

Now it is time to return to work and get it done so I can go home at some point and get some photos edited!

Happy Tuesday Everyone! 
Bring back the sun and warmth a rainy afternoon in Mid May at 50 degrees is not what I call fun!

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