"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Monday, August 15, 2011

My Children Just Melt My Heart!

Over the past week or so I have seen my children grow more than I can ever remember seeing in a short time. 
I may not be able to explain exactly what I have seen coming out of them in words that may make sense to many but I am going to try my best because watching them this past week has just melted my heart for the amount of love and joy and pride they are bringing me is growing everyday!

Sibling bonding - over the last week or so the love my kids have for each other has become so apparent.  Mallory lights up when Caden is around and loves to give him kisses. 
Cale will laugh and play rough and tough with Caden. 
Maggie and Cale - well they will be my trouble makers together.  Just the other day the two of them were off with  the entire box of Cheerios, when I asked what they were doing, "having a snack".  Then on Saturday I ran upstairs for a total of about 4 minutes leaving Cale and Maggie in the living room - when I came back Cale was covered head to toe in Oreos!  Maggie's reply, "but he likes them!"  I just laughed and tossed him in the shower. 
Caden is a sweetheart, most of the time, to his siblings.  He loves to give the little ones kisses before he leaves them for the day and he is protective of Maggie.  On Sunday, he showed his care for Maggie by telling her to "be careful so you don't fall.  Hold my hand" as they took down the gate and went down the stairs at Memaw Jo's to get their ball that fell down there.  It was one of the sweetest moments I have seen between the two and I just couldn't stop the laughs or the tears. 
Caden and Maggie will sit on the couch together to read books - Maggie does the reading, Caden the listening - and even though they cannot read yet she tells amazing stories. 
Maggie wants Mallory to sleep with her and I caught them after bath laying in Maggie's bed together.
Mallory and Cale, well their interaction with each other right now is to fight most of the time but they will play together and are quick to follow one another around a room.   Just tonight they were giving each other kisses trough the railing by the stairs as we headed down to get ready for bead.

I knew the bond of twins was amazing, but I didn't know that the bond I am seeing my children build with each other would impact me as much as it does each and every day.  They care for each other, worry when one is not there, and just love to play together.  I know this will not always be the case but for now - it amazes me, helps me think we are doing something right in raising them and just melts my heart!
They are just growing what seems to be faster and faster each day. 
I have seen Mallory truly develop her personality over the last couple of days.  From flirting and dancing at the Reds game, to kisses for Caden, to standing on her own and taking many steps while holding your hands to finally starting to walk.  She was a silly mess on Sunday and just laughing at everything.  Mallory is a chatter box and will tell you exactly what she thinks.  She says go and "uh oh" is now used at the appropriate times.  Her open mouth kisses are just too sweet and plentiful!  To watch her go from my baby to a toddler is heart breaking but amazing.  I love learning new things through the eyes of my children and I love to watch them grow,  I am just not sure I am ready for her to walk and become this big girl.

Cale is an eating machine - he put away an entire quarter pound Hebrew National at he ballpark on last Friday - Brad Kuhn will be proud!  He is a little vacuum and will eat just about anything on the floor.  He is the still the world's fastest crawler.  He loves to laugh.  He hasn't felt very well lately but he is always good for a snuggle.  WE did lots of snuggling this last weekend.  He is starting to sing lots and LOVES to rock it out by dancing in his car seat to and from daycare, although he likes Lady Gaga and I am not too sure I like that music choice.  He isn't quite into walking as much but he does climb the stairs well and will sneak his way up if you don't have the gate down.  Once he gets there he is quite proud he made it all by himself. 

Caden is growing on his social skills and just last week played baseball with a few boys he didn't even know.  He can name every Reds player now and no stop wants to talk sports, I know that is breaking his daddy's heart.  Racing, baseball and hockey are the favorite sports as of now. 

Maggie, well she is Maggie.  She always keeps us guessing on what exactly she will want to wear each day.  It is usually a dress and winter boots but you never know with her.  She has a plan and she likes to stick to that plan no matter the weather or the match.  Maggie is getting ready to start dance again next week and cannot wait.  She is my big girl who is super tiny, Cale and Mallory are only a few pounds behind her.  Her imagination continues to amaze me and she takes in everything.  She is really exploring her feelings right now and does not like for you to be angry with her or to make her upset.

I love my kids, I love that they are growing and learning.  I cannot believe how much they amaze me everyday.  I absolutely love to watch their bond grow.
Siblings are the best and the fact that they are showing the signs of their bonds at an early age truly is a blessing. 

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