Saturday morning, Maggie and I were lucky enough to sit with Miss Natalie as she made her First Communion, and I could not be happier that we had that opportunity nor could I be more proud of that beautiful little girl. She has reminded me of my faith, renewed that faith and the excitement that can come out of being close to God.

I am a believer, yes I am a Catholic, I was born and raised a Catholic, I am privileged to say that I have two great aunts who served as nuns, my children are baptized, I love my church and the message we receive there but attending church and being close to my faith is not something that has been a priority for me. We at times attend church with the fabulous McCool ladies, which I love but it really has not been a priority for me. I pray a lot, I believe that Jesus died for us and cannot imagine what that feeling was like, I believe the Jesus loves his children unconditionally, I know that many times throughout my life my prayers have been answered, and I know that there is always a plan for me and what comes my way, whether I understand it at that moment or not. I cannot say that it is always this way, there are times when I question things but don't we all? I am excited that Maggie has begun to ask about her rosary and what church is and why we go. I have at times lost the focus of my faith but right now after a moment of watching Natalie as she prepared for her First Communion, I am excited for what it is to come for not only myself but my children, my nieces and my nephews as they learn the love of Jesus.
Here is the moment when it hit me and I got it, we are sitting in the pew, Natalie is next to her mom and she looks at her mom with a big smile on her face and says, "it is almost time," she was so excited at this point that I could feel what the day was all about for her and her classmates. It was truly an amazing moment.
Thank you Miss Natalie, your sweet little face gave me the little reminder I needed about my faith and why I believe what I do. Keep those reminders coming my little friend as we adults need kids to remind us what life is really about!
We love you, we are proud of you and could not be more excited for you!!
P.S. Your perm looks great and you looked beautiful on Saturday, as you always do!
Great post, Trina! You are so right about how kids can lead us to what we are called to do. We are blessed to know God as we do, and he wants us each of us to have an intimate relationship with Him. You go, Girl!