"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Child's Accomplishments - SHE DID IT!

"I DID IT!" those were the words of excitement coming from our Miss Maggie tonight as she scored her first ever goal in soccer tonight and I could not have been happier or more proud to watch this reaction from my little girl who second guesses everything she does. 
She wants to be good at so many things, she wants her work to be perfect, she will stress about how things look, how much she can do, if there are too many people watching will she do okay during dance, with all of those people at the game there is no way she thought she could score a goal.  These are the thoughts running through my little person's head at all times. But she did what she was not sure she could do and she celebrated. 

Just last night as she lay in bed she was talking with me about their game tonight, she was nervous, she knew she had learned a lot over the last year, scored some goals in practice but she did not think she could do it during the game.  I told her she just had to try hard and work at it with her teammates and that I was sure they would score many goals. 

She broke away during the second quarter and was running hard, but the goalie for the other team was good and made the stop.  She was mad, I could see it but she did not give up.  She played hard, tried to keep pushing to the goal and then finally during the fourth quarter she did it.  She put that ball in the net and celebrated with the enthusiasm that was deserving of a major accomplishment when you were not sure you could do it.  She promptly looked around to see who saw it, I gave her a thumbs up and she went running to daddy on the sideline to receive a big old hug before coming back into the game.  I teared up, a new emotion to see from her and to experience as a parent, I LOVED it all. 

This was her first ever goal, she has played soccer for a year and just was never aggressive, this year is different.  She says it is because they have more girls than boys on the team, I think it may have something to do with the fact she is almost 6 and is just growing up.  We really were not sure that Maggie would be a sports girl but maybe just maybe she will prove our thoughts wrong. 

Caden scored too, he was excited but a little more reserved on his celebration!  It wasn't his first ever goal, that came earlier in the year during indoor soccer, but I missed it, I was in the bathroom with Mallory and Cale - just the life of a mom of 4 little kids, multitasking and missing a few things that happen. 

The green machine did good tonight, they played hard, played well together and really looked like a young team who knows what they are doing.  Sure we picked the grass, hugged our friends and were entertaining each other on the sidelines but they are kids who are 4 and 5 - what do you expect.  Every parent was cheering for the team and supporting the kids, that is what I loved! 

It was a fun night, one I am glad I did not miss.  No I cannot be at all things my kids do but when you get to witness moments like these it reminds you of so many things and makes you appreciate the time you do get with your kids.

This is a big week, kindergarten starts on Thursday, I am an emotional mess but they are excited, more to come later this week!

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