"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 That's a Wrap...

2014, I think all I can say is WOW so such has been packed into one year, just 365 days and so much change.

My year started by being focused on my first Half Marathon ever and accomplishing a goal (I DID IT!) and sadly saying goodbye to my Grandma Ramey all in the same weekend.

I assumed it would be a normal year for us, well as normal as our year can get with two sets of multiples who are crazy awesome and two busy working parents.  Little did I know that God had a plan of teaching me to manage change in a way I never thought possible.

The Bigs graduated Kindergarten, really Kindergarten.  I remember when they were born and thinking that was so far away.  Now we are half way through 1st grade and I still cannot believe it.  I didn't cry too much at graduation but I won't lie there were tears.

The Littles have grown and are little people, adults some days and not my babies.  They are hilarious and amaze me everyday. They watch out for each other and just love life. They keep me grounded on the rough days and make me laugh.  They make me want to pull my hair out some days but I constantly remind myself they are 4 - there is a lot changing in their world and they are learning a lot so let them go - again they are 4!

Matthew has traveled a ton and that has taught me patience on getting the kids out the door and to let go of expectations of when we would get out the door.  He was gone most weeks 2-3 days during the summer.  We missed him but wow did we learn how to make things work and came to rely on our village to help with the kids even more!  We are happy that the end of year brought less travel for him but know that 2015 will be just as crazy.

Me, well let's just say I have learned more than any other year that it's Gods plan that decides where we go.  I would like to say I enjoyed my weeks off this summer but I am not sure it is 100% true.  They were stressful with the unknown.   Hard work with getting through all of dad's stuff. Tiring because I tried to fit way too much into each day, my to do list was ambitious.  Rewarding when I got to spend the whole day with my kids and shut out the rest of the world.  Amazing when I got to take them to school and pick them up.  Fun when I got to spend the afternoon with my niece.  Hard when I had to figure out what I wanted to do next in my career, emotional when what I thought I wanted did not happen and scary when I finally found the fit.
I am happy to say I believe I made the right decision for myself and my family.  I am enjoying my new role and team.  It is different but a great different that I didn't know I was looking for. I am grateful for all of the support I had during this transition.

I am excited that I have continued my running, I LIVED for running this summer during the stress and looked forward to fitting everything else around it.  I put in many, many miles with my dear friend Kelsey and I am grateful for the time to chat and run. She has pushed me when I did not think I had another step in me.  Matt and I were able to run a few races together this year and the kids came along to cheer for the Redlegs run with our moms.  There is nothing better than seeing your kids on the side of the road cheering you on.   I have to say it is amazing to know that we are both out there trying to do something we never thought we would do.

As for 2015, I will not write all of my goals.  I am too hard on myself when I don't hit them but I also know life happens, things change and when I look back I can say I am happy with the year then I hit goals I may not known I had.

I can tell you these:
I will try not to knock out anyone's dry wall.
I will be present with my kids and husband.
I will help my friends and family with whatever I can.
I will yell at my kids and lose patience but I will ask for a new day after.
I will cry tears of joy and tears of pain.
I will wipe tears of joy and tears of pain from my kids.
I will hit a wall more times than I can count and will get up and do it again.
I will run at least one 1/2 marathon.
I will live the life I am given and be grateful, we only get one and our time is often too short.

I hope your 2015 is everything it should be.  Life is a gift, we have been reminded of that way too often this year.  Live the year with no regrets, enjoy the gifts we are given and what we have.  Live life to the fullest.

To my kiddos and husband, I love that you keep me dancing and going.  Our life is unique but it is ours.  We are blessed with amazing family and friends, cherish them.  Here's to a great 2015 and many more memories!
So long 2014 thanks for the lessons and great times!

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