"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy 7th Birthday Caden and Maggie!

7, SEVEN how did it happen?  Everyone warns you when you are dead tired on your feet from newborns to cherish it because it will go fast, you cannot even fathom it at that point you just want sleep but boy does it fly by.

Caden and Maggie, your 7th birthday and it was so much fun!  Laser tag and jumping with our friends and family.

So much has happened in a year.  You are in 1st grade, separate rooms this year and doing so well.  You both are surprising us in school.  You are reading like champs and learning that life isn't always fair.  You have hearts that become sad but you learn the lessons God has planned.  You embrace life and whatever it is we are doing.

Caden, I have never seen a boy have more passion for sports at such an early age.  Yes you love the Steelers and Purdue but we can agree on the Reds at least.  You know more about your teams than most 7 year olds should and you cheer with all of your heart.

You give you all in all you do.  You amazed me on the baseball field this summer and fall.  You play hard at soccer and are still my caution, conservative kid.  You weigh everything before you do it but you eventually do it in your time.  Being competitive is in your blood but you play fair.  You appreciate your time with Papaw Casey and I often think you enjoy it more as you get away from our chaos.  You help clean like no one else and just flat out make this momma proud.

Maggie, you want to perform and you do it every chance you get.  The world is your stage and you are constantly putting on a show.  Your imagination is BIG and alive.  You have very big dreams that I hope you achieve.  I have watched you learn more about doing your best this year and to know we won't always win the crown doesn't mean we aren't winners.  You are a teacher, you are constantly quizzing Mallory and Cale and you are destined to lead.  You want to help others and to make their life better, which melts my heart.

You are a strong willed little person, you set your mind to something and nothing can stop you.  I promise to help you achieve all of your goals in life.  You make me proud and challenge me to be a better mom each day.

I hope you two have a very happy year at 7 - it is fun to watch you learn and grow so much.  To sit and hear you read.  To see you read to your brother and sister.  To see you lead the game and for me to be the student.  I love you both and I am blessed to be your momma!

Happy Birthday to my little chickens who could not wait to enter this world!

Maggie at her dance recital!


Caden trying his hand at catching!

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