"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Saturday, June 4, 2011

WOW it is amazing what triggers a memory

Today we were sitting at the Reds game and as Matt and I were talking about him heading to Florence for the race I realized that just a short year ago our air conditioner went out, we headed to mom's for a day of swimming (floating for me as I was BIG), race for Matt and Caden, and ended with a trip to the hospital for the babies and I.

With everything going on that day and the heat taking it's toll as I laid on the couch that night I realized I had not felt the babies move in a LONG time.  So off to the hospital I went.  Brooke and the boys came to stay with Maggie, Mary Jo arrived to take me to the hospital and Matt and Caden headed out of the race track to meet me at the hospital.

All was well with the babies but Caden being the gatherer and worrier, asked where he was once Matt got him out of the car and as Matt replied that they were at the hospital to see me, he got excited as he thought I was having the babies.  God love that kid. 

We made it home in the early hour of the morning, I worried for nothing but better safe than sorry as those two had already made it further than the first two but it truly amazes what simple things can trigger a memory.

I love remembering, I worry about forgetting a bunch but it never fails me that memories hit me at the most random times!

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