"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

One month from the BIG 1!

Mallory and Cale have turned 11 months old and I truly just cannot believe it!  Where in the world has the last year gone? 

They are the funniest little things, they play well together and I think are a little more mischievous than there brother and sister were at that age.
They love to chase each other and have a little crawling gang at school which they lead in laps each day.  They just maybe the ringleaders to trouble as I can see.  They both do things with the tongues hanging out - this is a McCool trait.  They are learning more and more each day!

Mallory is learning to pull herself up on the furniture but then she doesn't now how to get down - she tries the splits approach.  She is a talker, a very sweet talker.  Just now I said "Maggie" as we are trying to get her downstairs and Mallory mimiced me - I think it surely sounds like Maggie.  She is an eater, just like her sister.  She is finally rolling over like she should have been many months ago.  How else is she going to escape the tackles of Cale?  My little munkin has the MOST beautiful and amazing eyes.  With those eyes and that sweet look it is going to be hard to tell her NO.

Cale is definitely all boy.  He pulls himself up on EVERYTHING and I think he will walk at anytime now.    He has a big belly laugh and is a little ham when you pull out the camera.  He makes the cutest faces.  He has almost 6 teeth, and they make that smile that much cuter.  His favorite toy is the TV remote and yes he knows when you take the batteries out.  His best word right now is Daddy - I am working on him.  But really with that lovable smile and that fact that he knows when you need to cuddle you just cannot resist this kid!

They are both beautiful, amazing children that I could not imagine our lives without.  I just cannot begin to believe that they will be a year old already. 

I sure cannot wait to see what the next year brings for all of us.  I
 don't know that I am really ready to have 4 toddlers, I don't know what we will call them all - right now they are the toddlers and the babies. 
I just cannot believe how far we have come in 4 short years!

 And Matthew, I said it would be really hard for 2 years, only one more year to go! 

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