Both of my older two "wrote" me a letter for Mother's Day and they are just fitting for each of them.
Maggie's made my heart melt. This little girl who is 4 and a half years old is sweet and I just have to share my letter from Maggie each underlined phrase is where Maggie filled in her words:
My Mom's name is Trina.
My name is Maggie but Mom calls me Maggie Lynne McCool.
My favorite food Mom makes me is "sketties".
My favorite thing to do with Mom is play with my Barbies.
Mom likes it when I help her make puzzles.
Mom gets upset with me when I do something bad to my brothers or sister.
If I could buy my Mom anything I would buy her a t-shirt to go to the Reds game.
My Mom is the best because she helps me make my crafts.
Caden's letter also melted my heart and both made me proud. Caden is my moody child for sure but I guess I was his best friend on this day. Here is Caden's letter:
My Mom's name is Trina.
My name is Caden but Mom calls me Caden Potato.
My favorite food Mom makes me is pizza.
My favorite thing to do with Mom is help her.
Mom likes it when I help her put clothes away.
Mom gets upset with me when I make my babies mad.
If I could buy my Mom anything I would buy her a new phone.
My Mom is the best because I like her.
So while I did not get a t-shirt to go to the Reds game or a new phone, I will cherish these letters from my bigs. I LOVE the fact that they both know that I get upset when they bother their siblings, I know that will never end but at least they know that it makes me upset. I am proud of them and the little people they are becoming.
My kids make me smile, it just that simple. The other day at work I was asked if I consider my children a blessing or a burden, not really sure why I was asked the question when I entered our kitchen but without hesitation I answered, "a blessing!" and they truly are just that. Yes there are hard days, yes I am always exhausted and always have a million things to do but you know what - it is our life and I wouldn't trade it for the world! There were so many times when I prayed that God would allow us to have a family, so many years of disappointment when it didn't happen that I cannot question why Matt and I were chosen to be parents to two sets of twins.
Each time I am pushed to a new limit I have to take a deep breath and say a quick prayer to put me back on track, and sometimes that is topped with a good cry or a few moments of locking myself in the bathroom! Yes there are break downs when I push myself too hard but with a little reminder from my book of guidance (from a GREAT friend) I can usually get back on track within an hour.
Life is not easy, no one said it should be, it is a journey, a long journey that changes direction as we go and I am 100% without a doubt enjoying my journey with my husband and honored to be the Mom of Caden, Maggie, Mallory and Cale!
Thank you babies for making me a happy Mom, for filling my day with joy and love, and for reminding me to stop and cherish the little things in life - your Momma loves you all very much!
My life is crazy but we manage and try to remain strong in love and sanity. This is my story of trying to look for the positive in everything, managing a marriage, a family, a career and most of all having fun while we do it! You only get one chance at life so why not make it great.
"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"
Thursday, May 17, 2012
This week's sentences....
Just a few more sentences I have noticed from Mallory and Cale this week,
Cale, "there is it!" usually when you ask him where his shoes is, he takes off one shoe frequently or where his puppy is - he is always lost.
He is getting into playing the "where did it go" game, you hide something say, "where did it go?" He replies, "I don't know" with his hand facing upwards and asking the questions, ALWAYS followed by, "there it is" whether or not we find what we are looking for or not!
He rattled off to Matt on Saturday, "moo moo bah bah" - yes as in Droopy Dog's saying. He just giggles when he says it and follows by "darn fool" thank goodness it comes out the right way!
We are getting really good at our sing along with Elmo songs, we sing to and from daycare each day - I even have to admit, I often drive my first 10 minutes of my commute to work while listening to Elmo and not even realize it!
Elmo's world and Baby You Can Drive My Car - the Beatles song sang by Elmo, are our favorites!
Mallory's sentences are getting bigger each week but just this morning she told Matt, "no dance daddy!" because Daddy was dancing along to the Fresh Beats.
She still puts in some words we do not understand but she definitely knows what she is trying to say and usually ends those sentences which we can not comprehend with "okay?" She wants to "sit in Cale's seat" and each day when I asked her if she had a good day at school, "yes, we play outside and Kayla do pretties." Her "pretties" are putting pigtails in her hair, poor thing doesn't have much hair but she wants pretties in her hair! I do hope that someday her hair grows!
Well those are our updates on sentences for the week, who knows what next week will bring, in our lives you never know!
Cale, "there is it!" usually when you ask him where his shoes is, he takes off one shoe frequently or where his puppy is - he is always lost.
He is getting into playing the "where did it go" game, you hide something say, "where did it go?" He replies, "I don't know" with his hand facing upwards and asking the questions, ALWAYS followed by, "there it is" whether or not we find what we are looking for or not!
He rattled off to Matt on Saturday, "moo moo bah bah" - yes as in Droopy Dog's saying. He just giggles when he says it and follows by "darn fool" thank goodness it comes out the right way!
We are getting really good at our sing along with Elmo songs, we sing to and from daycare each day - I even have to admit, I often drive my first 10 minutes of my commute to work while listening to Elmo and not even realize it!
Elmo's world and Baby You Can Drive My Car - the Beatles song sang by Elmo, are our favorites!
Mallory's sentences are getting bigger each week but just this morning she told Matt, "no dance daddy!" because Daddy was dancing along to the Fresh Beats.
She still puts in some words we do not understand but she definitely knows what she is trying to say and usually ends those sentences which we can not comprehend with "okay?" She wants to "sit in Cale's seat" and each day when I asked her if she had a good day at school, "yes, we play outside and Kayla do pretties." Her "pretties" are putting pigtails in her hair, poor thing doesn't have much hair but she wants pretties in her hair! I do hope that someday her hair grows!
Well those are our updates on sentences for the week, who knows what next week will bring, in our lives you never know!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Sentences, what are you kidding me they are talking in SENTENCES?
It feels like I woke up one day and the little two are talking in sentences, like it just happened overnight, they learned to put their words together and speak in sentences.
Okay so I know it wasn't overnight it sure does feel like it. These little babies are becoming big people, toddlers, who are talking and making sentences to tell us what they want, feel or to tell their older sibling to leave them alone!
I first notice Mallory's sentences when I took the kids outside to play a few weeks back. She says as she is in the swing, "push me mommy, push me" No you can't judge on grammar but to me they are sentences of learning and come on they aren't even two yet.
Here are Mallory's favorite sentences right now:
"Hi, daddy Hi (or whoever walks in the room)"
"Where's Cale at?"
"I need juice (but comes out JUUUUUUICE)"
"Maggie stop it" for when Maggie is bothering her
"No Cale no thank you" for when Cale is doing something he shouldn't
"I take Caden's milk" for when she wants to help get her big brother milk and take it to him
And probably her favorite right now as she spreads her independent wings, "I do it"
As for Cale, he really just in the last week started to fully put together a sentence that we could understand. Talk about it being hard to not compare your kids, I know better with twins, especially boy/girl twins and yet I caught myself thinking, shouldn't Cale be talking more. Nope he is just like his brother, 4 weeks behind his sister in his development on words, just like most boys.
So here are some of Cale's favorite sentences:
"I Drive" because after you unbuckle him and go work on getting out the other kids, he climbs in the front seat to "drive" the car!
"I watch Pee Wee" asking to watch Pee Wee movies
"Barney over" because the show was over this morning - don't judge on too much TV, it is my distraction for them while I run around in the morning to get them out the door
"I go potty" because he is working on his on schedule of potty training and usually goes before we get in the bath
"Bye water bye" (or bye whatever he is leaving) at least he is a polite kid, he will tell his race cars, TV, juice, whatever you tell him to leave behind "bye" and wave with those sweet chubby little hands. Oh my heart aches just thinking of them right now. I may need to head home for the rest of the day.....but back to the real world.
There are lots of phrases they consistently say and those grow and grow each day. Once again, as a parent I am completely amazed by these little creatures who I love so much and make my heart swell with pride and joy.
Who knows, tomorrow I may wake up and they will be teenagers not wanting to talk to me anymore.
I sure hope not but I know it will all go by way to fast and our teenage days will be here before I know it.
For now, I am going to keep writing down their sentences and work on bottling up their giggles, there is nothing better than big belly laugh giggles from a happy child! They can turn anyone's frown upside down!
Okay so I know it wasn't overnight it sure does feel like it. These little babies are becoming big people, toddlers, who are talking and making sentences to tell us what they want, feel or to tell their older sibling to leave them alone!
I first notice Mallory's sentences when I took the kids outside to play a few weeks back. She says as she is in the swing, "push me mommy, push me" No you can't judge on grammar but to me they are sentences of learning and come on they aren't even two yet.
Here are Mallory's favorite sentences right now:
"Hi, daddy Hi (or whoever walks in the room)"
"Where's Cale at?"
"I need juice (but comes out JUUUUUUICE)"
"Maggie stop it" for when Maggie is bothering her
"No Cale no thank you" for when Cale is doing something he shouldn't
"I take Caden's milk" for when she wants to help get her big brother milk and take it to him
And probably her favorite right now as she spreads her independent wings, "I do it"
As for Cale, he really just in the last week started to fully put together a sentence that we could understand. Talk about it being hard to not compare your kids, I know better with twins, especially boy/girl twins and yet I caught myself thinking, shouldn't Cale be talking more. Nope he is just like his brother, 4 weeks behind his sister in his development on words, just like most boys.
So here are some of Cale's favorite sentences:
"I Drive" because after you unbuckle him and go work on getting out the other kids, he climbs in the front seat to "drive" the car!
"I watch Pee Wee" asking to watch Pee Wee movies
"Barney over" because the show was over this morning - don't judge on too much TV, it is my distraction for them while I run around in the morning to get them out the door
"I go potty" because he is working on his on schedule of potty training and usually goes before we get in the bath
"Bye water bye" (or bye whatever he is leaving) at least he is a polite kid, he will tell his race cars, TV, juice, whatever you tell him to leave behind "bye" and wave with those sweet chubby little hands. Oh my heart aches just thinking of them right now. I may need to head home for the rest of the day.....but back to the real world.
There are lots of phrases they consistently say and those grow and grow each day. Once again, as a parent I am completely amazed by these little creatures who I love so much and make my heart swell with pride and joy.
Who knows, tomorrow I may wake up and they will be teenagers not wanting to talk to me anymore.
I sure hope not but I know it will all go by way to fast and our teenage days will be here before I know it.
For now, I am going to keep writing down their sentences and work on bottling up their giggles, there is nothing better than big belly laugh giggles from a happy child! They can turn anyone's frown upside down!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
She LOVES her friend Abby!
Mallory absolutely, positively LOVES her friend Abby!
If you remember we introduced you to Abby back in November, The Blessing of a New Baby! Happy Birthday Abby!, as I promised in that post Abby was welcomed into the world with friends for life. Mallory has proven that to be true, even at 22 months she adores this little friend and has to see her each day to make her day complete!
Every morning at daycare, Mallory is in the room adjoining Abby's, the girls will allow Mallory to say hello by either lifting her up to see Abby or opening the door. Every night when we leave daycare and Megan is parked outside, Mallory will point to Megan's car and say, "Abby's car". As they drive by our house when we are unloading, she is watching them and waves, "bye Abby". When the doorbell rings, she says, "Abby here" and runs to the door, it used to always be, "Papaw's here" but now he has been replaced with her friend Abby!
She is really sweet and loving with Abby, a few weeks ago, okay maybe many more than that - who can keep track of time with all of these kids anyways - Abby came for a Saturday morning visit while her mommy took some much needed Mommy time! Mallory could not have been happier and a friend said it best, these two are friends for life!
I love watching these two light up when they see each other. I truly hope that they are friends for life, after all my oldest friend who I have and love dearly I met when I was only six weeks old! And while yes our lives are crazy and we do not see each other nor talk to each other as much as I would like we can pick up right where we left off when we do see each other, just Thursday I was behind her on the interstate and gave her a quick call to say hello! Megan also just reminded me that she too met her best friend when she was very young, I would say the odds are in the girl's favor for this continuing!
But the story here is that Mallory has a wonderful friend who she loves, one who I know will be in our lives forever!
If you remember we introduced you to Abby back in November, The Blessing of a New Baby! Happy Birthday Abby!, as I promised in that post Abby was welcomed into the world with friends for life. Mallory has proven that to be true, even at 22 months she adores this little friend and has to see her each day to make her day complete!
Every morning at daycare, Mallory is in the room adjoining Abby's, the girls will allow Mallory to say hello by either lifting her up to see Abby or opening the door. Every night when we leave daycare and Megan is parked outside, Mallory will point to Megan's car and say, "Abby's car". As they drive by our house when we are unloading, she is watching them and waves, "bye Abby". When the doorbell rings, she says, "Abby here" and runs to the door, it used to always be, "Papaw's here" but now he has been replaced with her friend Abby!
She is really sweet and loving with Abby, a few weeks ago, okay maybe many more than that - who can keep track of time with all of these kids anyways - Abby came for a Saturday morning visit while her mommy took some much needed Mommy time! Mallory could not have been happier and a friend said it best, these two are friends for life!
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Here is Mallory giving Abby her blanket and all of her toys |
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Here is Mallory taking back Abby's blanket and all of her toys! |
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Here is Mallory playing with Abby! |
I love watching these two light up when they see each other. I truly hope that they are friends for life, after all my oldest friend who I have and love dearly I met when I was only six weeks old! And while yes our lives are crazy and we do not see each other nor talk to each other as much as I would like we can pick up right where we left off when we do see each other, just Thursday I was behind her on the interstate and gave her a quick call to say hello! Megan also just reminded me that she too met her best friend when she was very young, I would say the odds are in the girl's favor for this continuing!
But the story here is that Mallory has a wonderful friend who she loves, one who I know will be in our lives forever!
Mallory and Abby, I look forward to the many adventures with you two, the trouble you will cause, the secrets you will share and most of all a friendship that will last a lifetime!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Who needs dinner anyways?
Last night when I arrived home with only two of the four kids, the older two needed a visit with Papaw Casey, I asked the little ones if they wanted dinner, their answer was no we want Fresh Beats, meaning no eating let's just watch our show you crazy lady.
So rather than force feed them, which stresses me out we sat down and started playing and singing and dancing along with the Fresh Beats. About 20 minutes later I asked them if they were hungry, well of course Cale wanted snacks (he is asking for fruit snacks when he says that) and a banana - of which I had neither and Mallory wanted juice.
We had juice, then we had powered donuts because who doesn't love those? Next we had some cereal without milk and finally to make our little snack healthy we had some raisins! Don't judge me, I didn't care to eat and my brain wasn't functioning on what to throw together for them so we went with what they wanted. They can now open the pantry door and can reach 3 out of the 5 shelves so most of the time they can figure out how to get to something they really want. Oh and to top it off we ate our dinner while hanging out in the living room - GASP! - we made messes, which I cleaned up and they helped and I just soaked up some time with my kiddos.
Not having dinner allowed the three of us to sit and play with cars for an hour and a half! I so enjoyed it, they are so much fun, and I needed some time with my babies who are growing way to fast. Cale could play with cars for hours, wonder who he learned that from? Mallory just wants to play with someone so she was quick to come along.
We made a track with our Batman toys and played with Caden's race cars - YIKES he was not happy when he found out and we just had FUN!
I do not recommend skipping dinner every night but sometimes it has to happen, I don't get many chances to go 2 on 1 with my kids in a quiet house so I took advantage of it and I am so glad I did! They will not starve, I promise you that but I will be looking for more opportunities for us to fore go dinner and have more play time! Who knows maybe next time we will have ice cream for dinner - now that is my kind of dinner!
I love my kids, I cannot believe how fast they are growing and how much they are learning each day they continuously amaze me with their minds.
Dinner, nah it just adds to the hips! Time with my kids, kisses, hugs and giggles, now that makes my heart grow! Maybe today we will eat dinner but who knows.....
So rather than force feed them, which stresses me out we sat down and started playing and singing and dancing along with the Fresh Beats. About 20 minutes later I asked them if they were hungry, well of course Cale wanted snacks (he is asking for fruit snacks when he says that) and a banana - of which I had neither and Mallory wanted juice.
We had juice, then we had powered donuts because who doesn't love those? Next we had some cereal without milk and finally to make our little snack healthy we had some raisins! Don't judge me, I didn't care to eat and my brain wasn't functioning on what to throw together for them so we went with what they wanted. They can now open the pantry door and can reach 3 out of the 5 shelves so most of the time they can figure out how to get to something they really want. Oh and to top it off we ate our dinner while hanging out in the living room - GASP! - we made messes, which I cleaned up and they helped and I just soaked up some time with my kiddos.
Not having dinner allowed the three of us to sit and play with cars for an hour and a half! I so enjoyed it, they are so much fun, and I needed some time with my babies who are growing way to fast. Cale could play with cars for hours, wonder who he learned that from? Mallory just wants to play with someone so she was quick to come along.
We made a track with our Batman toys and played with Caden's race cars - YIKES he was not happy when he found out and we just had FUN!
I do not recommend skipping dinner every night but sometimes it has to happen, I don't get many chances to go 2 on 1 with my kids in a quiet house so I took advantage of it and I am so glad I did! They will not starve, I promise you that but I will be looking for more opportunities for us to fore go dinner and have more play time! Who knows maybe next time we will have ice cream for dinner - now that is my kind of dinner!
I love my kids, I cannot believe how fast they are growing and how much they are learning each day they continuously amaze me with their minds.
Dinner, nah it just adds to the hips! Time with my kids, kisses, hugs and giggles, now that makes my heart grow! Maybe today we will eat dinner but who knows.....
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