"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Thursday, May 17, 2012

This week's sentences....

Just a few more sentences I have noticed from Mallory and Cale this week,

Cale, "there is it!" usually when you ask him where his shoes is, he takes off one shoe frequently or where his puppy is - he is always lost. 
He is getting into playing the "where did it go" game, you hide something say, "where did it go?"  He replies, "I don't know" with his hand facing upwards and asking the questions, ALWAYS followed by, "there it is" whether or not we find what we are looking for or not!
He rattled off to Matt on Saturday, "moo moo bah bah" - yes as in Droopy Dog's saying.  He just giggles when he says it and follows by "darn fool" thank goodness it comes out the right way!

We are getting really good at our sing along with Elmo songs, we sing to and from daycare each day - I even have to admit, I often drive my first 10 minutes of my commute to work while listening to Elmo and not even realize it!
Elmo's world and Baby You Can Drive My Car - the Beatles song sang by Elmo, are our favorites!

Mallory's sentences are getting bigger each week  but just this morning she told Matt, "no dance daddy!" because Daddy was dancing along to the Fresh Beats. 
She still puts in some words we do not understand but she definitely knows what she is trying to say and usually ends those sentences which we can not comprehend with "okay?"  She wants to "sit in Cale's seat" and each day when I asked her if she had a good day at school, "yes, we play outside and Kayla do pretties."  Her "pretties" are putting pigtails in her hair, poor thing doesn't have much hair but she wants pretties in her hair!  I do hope that someday her hair grows!

Well those are our updates on sentences for the week, who knows what next week will bring, in our lives you never know!

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