"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sentences, what are you kidding me they are talking in SENTENCES?

It feels like I woke up one day and the little two are talking in sentences, like it just happened overnight, they learned to put their words together and speak in sentences.

Okay so I know it wasn't overnight it sure does feel like it.  These little babies are becoming big people, toddlers, who are talking and making sentences to tell us what they want, feel or to tell their older sibling to leave them alone!

I first notice Mallory's sentences when I took the kids outside to play a few weeks back.  She says as she is in the swing, "push me mommy, push me" No you can't judge on grammar but to me they are sentences of learning and come on they aren't even two yet. 
Here are Mallory's favorite sentences right now:
"Hi, daddy Hi (or whoever walks in the room)"
"Where's Cale at?"
"I need juice (but comes out JUUUUUUICE)"
"Maggie stop it" for when Maggie is bothering her
"No Cale no thank you" for when Cale is doing something he shouldn't
"I take Caden's milk" for when she wants to help get her big brother milk and take it to him
And probably her favorite right now as she spreads her independent wings, "I do it"

As for Cale, he really just in the last week started to fully put together a sentence that we could understand.  Talk about it being hard to not compare your kids, I know better with twins, especially boy/girl twins and yet I caught myself thinking, shouldn't Cale be talking more.  Nope he is just like his brother, 4 weeks behind his sister in his development on words, just like most boys.

So here are some of Cale's favorite sentences:
"I Drive" because after you unbuckle him and go work on getting out the other kids, he climbs in the front seat to "drive" the car!
"I watch Pee Wee" asking to watch Pee Wee movies
"Barney over" because the show was over this morning - don't judge on too much TV, it is my distraction for them while I run around in the morning to get them out the door
"I go potty" because he is working on his on schedule of potty training and usually goes before we get in the bath
"Bye water bye" (or bye whatever he is leaving) at least he is a polite kid, he will tell his race cars, TV, juice, whatever you tell him to leave behind "bye" and wave with those sweet chubby little hands.  Oh my heart aches just thinking of them right now.  I may need to head home for the rest of the day.....but back to the real world.

There are lots of phrases they consistently say and those grow and grow each day.  Once again, as a parent I am completely amazed by these little creatures who I love so much and make my heart swell with pride and joy.

Who knows, tomorrow I may wake up and they will be teenagers not wanting to talk to me anymore.
I sure hope not but I know it will all go by way to fast and our teenage days will be here before I know it.

For now, I am going to keep writing down their sentences and work on bottling up their giggles, there is nothing better than big belly laugh giggles from a happy child!  They can turn anyone's frown upside down!

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