"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Who needs dinner anyways?

Last night when I arrived home with only two of the four kids, the older two needed a visit with Papaw Casey, I asked the little ones if they wanted dinner, their answer was no we want Fresh Beats, meaning no eating let's just watch our show you crazy lady. 
So rather than force feed them, which stresses me out we sat down and started playing and singing and dancing along with the Fresh Beats.  About 20 minutes later I asked them if they were hungry, well of course Cale wanted snacks (he is asking for fruit snacks when he says that) and a banana - of which I had neither and Mallory wanted juice. 
We had juice, then we had powered donuts because who doesn't love those? Next we had some cereal without milk and finally to make our little snack healthy we had some raisins!   Don't judge me, I didn't care to eat and my brain wasn't functioning on what to throw together for them so we went with what they wanted.  They can now open the pantry door and can reach 3 out of the 5 shelves so most of the time they can figure out how to get to something they really want.  Oh and to top it off we ate our dinner while hanging out in the living room - GASP! - we made messes, which I cleaned up and they helped and I just soaked up some time with my kiddos.

Not having dinner allowed the three of us to sit and play with cars for an hour and a half!  I so enjoyed it, they are so much fun, and I needed some time with my babies who are growing way to fast.  Cale could play with cars for hours, wonder who he learned that from?  Mallory just wants to play with someone so she was quick to come along.
We made a track with our Batman toys and played with Caden's race cars - YIKES he was not happy when he found out and we just had FUN!

I do not recommend skipping dinner every night but sometimes it has to happen, I don't get many chances to go 2 on 1 with my kids in a quiet house so I took advantage of it and I am so glad I did! They will not starve, I promise you that but I will be looking for more opportunities for us to fore go dinner and have more play time!  Who knows maybe next time we will have ice cream for dinner - now that is my kind of dinner!

I love my kids, I cannot believe how fast they are growing and how much they are learning each day they continuously amaze me with their minds. 
Dinner, nah it just adds to the hips!  Time with my kids, kisses, hugs and giggles, now that makes my heart grow!  Maybe today we will eat dinner but who knows.....

1 comment:

  1. Love everything about this post! We had crackers and peanut butter for dinner last night-followed by popsicles, so we're right there with you! That will be a night you remember and that's the most important part :) Hope to see you at dance on Monday! -Megan
