Yesterday as we were at the Brookbank family reunion enjoying some baseball time on the field he proceeded to run out from the fence and take a lick to the head off of the swing from Caden. Yes it was an aluminum bat and yes it was bad.
But boy am I glad that we had the right family members there, thank you to you all and most important our medical savvy ones, Doug, Mr. EMT and Sue, the caring nurse. Without you all I am not sure that I could have kept a level head that allowed my adrenaline to kick in and take over to get everyone where I needed them to be so I could leave to get that kid to the emergency room.
A HUGE thank you to all of the boys, Brady, Drew, Connor, Mason and Spencer, you all were champs - HUGE strong CHAMPS - who not only reacted quickly but with calm and passion. First, I cannot believe how much you all are growing up, second, because my kids love you and you them it made it easier all around yesterday. Keep growing into fine young men, we love you more than you will ever know!
Brooke, Ashley and Erin, you were there to offer to help in anyway possible, which means the world to me, it is wonderful to call you ladies family. To my mother in law Mary Jo who jumped in the car to come get the other 3 kids - I am so grateful you were home and around to help - we don't know what we would do without you. To the Gordon's who were waiting with cake and beer - cake the for kids and a beer for mommy - thank you - it was a great way to end the trying day.
My Caden Joe, our buddy is alright, it was a complete accident and I know it will take you some time to realize it but your brother is fine, he has a big, hard head and will bounce back like a champ from this injury just like the last. Years from now he may hold this over your head but right now, he is good my friend. I worry about you but I know you will be alright, your big, loving heart wants to know that he is okay and he is buddy, he definitely is okay.
A BIG, HUGE thank you to my hubby Matthew, even when covered in blood you were the calm and collected one. You kept our buddy awake on the way to the ER, reassured Caden it would all be okay and never let me lose it.
To the staff at Good Sam in Western Hills, you all ROCKED. This experience was so much better than our last with stitches. Although I recommend keeping blue popsicles on hand, my little dude wanted nothing to do with the red ones, by golly he asked for BLUE! But seriously, as hard as it was you all did great holding my monster and getting him on his way. You all do a special job that not many could do.
Lastly, Cale Joseph, my little surprise, my Buster, there is a reason that God did not let us know about you right away, there is a reason for everything but Buster, let's stay away from the ER for a while! You agreed to wear a helmet yesterday and mommy may make you - you are ALL boy and never stop - but I need you to be calm until you heal so this momma doesn't have a nervous breakdown! I was scared buddy, I really was, that could have been so much worse than 5 stitches, you have angels watching over you and for that I am grateful. Still worried about you but very grateful. You told us this morning, "ouchy, boo hurt" but you have been a good boy with the whole thing.
So here you go - a few graphic photos, I am not going to lie, they aren't pretty. But our little "stitch" as the boys have appropriately named him is doing good and giving his momma a nervous breakdown for sure!
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Patiently waiting for his stitches - still smiling though |
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Right before going night-night and still smiling - God thank you for that smile! |
Cale sure is testing your parenting skills, isn't he? Keep up the great job, Trina and Matt!