"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Cado!

Caden Joseph, it is your 5th birthday!  Hooray for your birthday! 

It was five years ago right about this time at night that I found out we would be welcoming you and your sister into this world in just a short amount of time - Oh BOY! is what I thought, little did I know you would melt my heart on first sight.

You are amazing Caden, you have a big heart, you are still my needy one who wants to be close to someone at all times but you are my first born and no matter what will always melt my heart.  You are shy around a group of people but give you an hour or so and you are running around like you do not have a care in the world for who is there.

Your LOVE and passion for sports: baseball, racing, hockey and somehow the Steelers - is big.  You know more about drivers, players and what is going on with a team or race than most kids should know.   You have a very good eye for detail and do not forget a thing.  You are enjoying t-ball and soccer and even scored your first goal two weeks ago. 

Scooby Doo is topping your list of favorite characters and you surely let me know when your Scooby shirt or jammies are not clean for you to wear!

You are a great big brother.  You and Cale have been playing so nicely together when it comes to trains and monster trucks that I am proud.  You are teaching him a lot of great things and sharing nicely. 

Even though your diet consist of chicken patties, spaghetti, cheese pizza, chicken wings (boneless), milk, circle cheese and cake - you have eaten a lot of birthday cake - you are growing into a strong and fine young man. 

Caden, I love you and I am proud of you.  You are growing up way to fast and I cannot believe you are already five, I have no idea where the time has gone or how to slow it down but as you tell me it will be okay.

I love you buddy, I cannot wait to see what the next year will bring in your life but I am sure it is great. 

Happy Happy Birthday to my five year old.  I love you

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