"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Taking a vacation day for project work

Yesterday I took the day off work and the whole reason was to do some projects around the house that were quite frankly just overwhelming my brain!  You know the ones like, clean out your closet, clean out the cabinets that have things busting at the seams and oh when you look at the expiration dates have been in there since 2005 (GASP! yes 2005 that is 7 years or more old!).

This is all my reality, way too much to do on the list but living our lives so it has to wait and has continuously been pushed back since June!  However, the list maker in me is dying because my timeline of August 1st or September 1st deadlines are way past.  Not to mention that the relocators in my house have things where they think they belong but yet do not make sense to me and cause much unneeded stress when trying to locate them.

To me it was a successful day, no I did not get my entire list done but I am motivated and enlisting the kids help today - we will see how that goes - it was a peaceful day at home.  Just some music, me and garbage bags!  The count thus far - 6 bags which filled 3 big cans are full and ready to be tossed on garbage day! 

This is my way of taking much needed timeout of the reality of mom of 4, wife and full time working gal to get my head back straight.  Not to mention - bring on some new clothes - I am fitting into things that I was just SCARED to try on!  My closet now has at least 8 outfits that are "new" to me and I never really thought I would wear again.   If you need any size 8.5 shoes come see me, my beautiful children has caused me to go up in size so I am getting everything out that doesn't make sense in that closet, even the shoes I love to wear.  But don't get me wrong, my ideal day "for me" would be start off with some good coffee and a book, move into a little pampering at the spa, lunch at my favorite spot while writing a few blogs and topping it off with drinks with some friends.  That day however, will have to wait because right now, THE LIST is weighing me down and must get tackled!

Those of you who know me and our life, you know our house is never perfect, just semi perfect every other Thursday after our cleaning gal has been here.  There are always dishes in the sink, mail piled on the counter, clothes to be put away and just signs of reality that there are 4 munkins running around enjoying life!  That is who we are and it is not going away, I have put aside the woman who wanted everything in its place at every minute, however, yesterday and maybe through Monday - she may be back to get our course set a little straighter so that we can fully enjoy the approaching holidays and the big birthday of turning 5 for the bigs!  

My vacation day has not only been one of cleaning the closets but also my brain which has been cluttered about this list for way too long! 
Here is hoping you have a productive weekend of whatever you have planned! 
Enjoy your family, savor the moments, enjoy this weather and as I saw at Jimmy John's once, 
"Do what you can now so you can do what you want later!" 

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