Friday: started out working at home and then traveled the two hours to Indiana University to speak as part of a panel for the Kelley School of Business Alumni Association. They were hosting "industry connections" were undergraduates can come and hear about what we do, what are the challenges and joys of our job and what it takes to be successful.
I was nervous to do this, I mean really what makes me eligible to speak to college students? I definitely felt old heading into this I mean it has been almost 13 years since I was a student. However, once I got there, saw the other panelists and saw the students who were eager to hear what we had to say it was great! I got the share my passion for selling food and for working for ConAgra, which I believe is a great company.
We finished about 4:30 and I headed back. I have to admit during my college years I made that trip on St. Rt. 46 a million times but it was a big trip down memory lane and all of the great memories from college. Passing Teter, seeing the campus bustling on a Friday afternoon, stopping at TIS to get a new long sleeve, and seeing my favorite spot just outside of Nashville, those are a few of the bonuses plus just seeing all that has changed or not changes along the route.
I stopped by mom's and picked up Maddox, the proudest big brother, so that he could enjoy an evening with his cousins. That little three year old is hoot and FULL of energy! He was so excited to see Caden, Maggie, Mallory, Cale and Uncle Matt. He kept asking how long - the whole 15 minute trip - but yet told me he doesn't know how long those minutes really take. I know that he has one thumb that works for thumbs up and one that doesn't - he has trigger thumb and will have surgery here in a few days. I know that Icy came out of his belly and I know that his mommy was in the hospital with his brother Icy Myles.
We made it to the football game, go Tigers and nice win, brought them all home, let them play and then finally about 10:00 got them to bed!
Saturday: Cale started yelling at 6:30, "get me out" "I am stuck and want out" meaning he wants out of his crib. He has not yet climbed or even tried to climb so they are staying in the cribs as long as we can however, this screaming for Matt and I caused all 5 kids to wake up - at 6:30 - come on little dude!
Maggie, Mallory and I had a wedding shopping date with the fabulous Phyllis. Maggie scored her flower girl dress and even though we struck out on a few of the other things we were searching for we found a few we didn't plan on so I will call it a good trip.
Next up was getting ready for the twins sale that is coming this weekend, there is still tagging to do and organizing. I am not sure I will sleep until Saturday but it is worth it when all of the junk is cleared out of our house. Sneaking the kids toys out is awful hard when they see it I get lots of questions about why I am getting rid of this or that but they do not complain much when I remind them that they do not play with it and it is time for another kid to get a turn with the toy.
We finished off the evening by sending the kids to the Reds game with their grandparents and Matt and I catching some date time over dinner.
To my friends who had invited us to two separate gatherings, I am sorry I missed them. I suck as a friend right now but please know I truly appreciate the invite and you thinking of me. I would have loved to do both, celebrate baby Anniston and the wine and tagging party with twin mom's, I just cannot seem to fit it all in the hours of the day right now.
Sunday: well Sunday was topped off with a LONG drive that was well worth the effort. I picked up Maddox from Memaw Donna and we started the trek to Ft. Wayne. He is quite the talker and will entertain you with songs. I heard "Row, Row, Row your Boat", "Take me out to the ballgame" and "The Star Spangled Banner". We had to have potty breaks, he colored, he got mad because I could not get his DVD to work, we talked about Caden, Maggie, Mallory and Cale visiting the Cincinnati Zoo and why not the Ft. Wayne Zoo, we discussed what animals they would see, and my favorite, he told me all of the things he is going to do to help out with Icy Myles - did you know this 3 year old is going to change all of his diapers?
When we finally arrived to their house it was well worht it! Maddox was so excited to see his brother, he wanted to give him a snack of a cookie, and he kept checking on him and giving him his toys which he had picked out. Then I got my chance, to hold and snuggled and just admire my newest nephew. I have to say this kid is quite perfect - pictures to come on the next blog. I could not have been happier to do all of the driving to those few short hours I was able to spend with him. My heart is full of love for him and he is just perfect!
I spent the rest of the day driving back home thinking of the wonderful new family of 4 and ready to get home to my family of 6! I made a quick stop off for baby Anniston to have some Colts gear - thank goodness she was not prepared for football season yet!
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Just two quick photos of the beautiful sky on my drive! No comments on using the phone while driving! |
The weather was perfect, the sky was beautiful, I had my music and caffeine to keep me company and made one more trip to get stuff for the sale. The downer part, is that I thought I was close to done tagging, ran out of printed and cut tags and had to spend some time printing and cutting more tags.
The kids got dinner and bathes and away to bed they went. Caden had to watch some of his Steelers, sorry they lost buddy, but all in all it was a busy, productive and fulfilling weekend!
Now we are off to a typical McCool week, dance, soccer, meetings, haircuts, sale tagging and getting ready for Phyllis's shower! Caffeine is my friend, sleep will be special and I hope we all can remember what is really important to us all.
Whew what a weekend!
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