"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Thursday, September 27, 2012

So Fitting and So Perfect for This Little One!

As I went into the little ones closet this morning to get out their clothes, which I HATE during cool mornings and warm afternoons - what a decision on what to wear, I had grey pants for Cale and grabbed an orange shirt - coordinates right?  It was not the colors or the coordination that struck me as funny it was the saying on the shirt....

Yes you are seeing it correctly, "my parents are exhausted" and it could not be further from the truth.  We actually had this shirt for Caden but his head was quiet large and the neck on the shirt is small, so it did not fit well at all.  However, it fits Cale and is definitely more fitting to his personality!  This kid is going to exhaust us in every way and will test our patients to the limit but he is so stinking cute you cannot help but love him and forgive and forget quickly. 

He has the best giggles, the silliest of grins, always finding ways to entertain and just down right rotten!  But boy do I LOVE this kid.  I have said it before and will say it a million times more, there is a reason why he was a surprise at 6 weeks and he is the baby.  There is no one else like him and that is a good thing!  He is all boy and goes a million miles an hour for 27 hours of the day.

Cale, mommy maybe exhausted but I love you to pieces, I love you more than you will ever know.  Don't ever stop giggling or smiling. 
You give the best and biggest hugs, you always want "to get you" and you never let us leave in the morning without a kiss - that my buddy is what sends mommy out the door to work remembering what is important! 
Thank you for doing more for me than you realize you do. 
I love you my little exhausting monster!

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