"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Friday, December 24, 2010

Continuing Traditions, Many Years Later with My Own Children!

When I was little I loved Christmas break not because we were off school but because that meant lots of time with my mom who would take vacation to do many fun things with Erica and I.  I always looked so forward to this time with her and all of the adventures we would embark on during that week off. 

One of my favorite memories is when we would drive to Western Hills, catch the bus, head downtown, visit the Elves in the windows, Santa and the Trains!  I am not sure how many years we did this but I have memories of these trips and they were always an adventure to "the city" as Grandma Horstman would say.  Often this trip was taken with our friends the Klems, their children and Rachel.  It was such a need day and something that I am sure was stressful for my mom as I now know how it is to lug 4 kids out the door.

Matt and I have taken his cousins, Brady, Mason and Spencer to visit the trains when they were younger, they loved it.  This was just the event that I couldn't wait to share with our own children and in case you don't know Caden LOVES trains and just absolutely lights up when he gets to see anything this amazing.   

We planned a full packed day, Breakfast with Santa - this is a twins club event that was wonderful.  You can bring  your children, visit with friends and not have to wait 2 hours to see Santa!  After breakfast with Santa we headed downtown to visit the trains and no one was disappointed!  Caden couldn't talk fast enough, Maggie couldn't get enough chocolate bars, Mallory and Cale were sleeping away and Mommy sat back and watched the joy in her children's eyes as they watched the trains in amazement. 

Waiting to see the big guy!

Memaw Jo came along for the fun

Caden's face for Santa!

My buddy and baby - that is his future girlfriend looking over our shoulder

Seeing the trains

We had to have a photo of Thomas

Such joy and smiles

Just to prove they were here too!

The amazing display that we will once again visit next year!

Watching the world through the eyes of my children is truly one of the best things about being a mom! 
You get to relive everything and see what life is really about, it is simple and sweet to them right now and I wouldn't want it any other way. 

 I can't wait to share more traditions and memories with my kids in the next few days
Merry Christmas Everyone

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