"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

We have monkeys in our ears!

Wow, it has been way too long since my last post but that is what 4 kids, a husband and a house will do with your time!

Yesterday I took Caden and Maggie to the doctor for their 3 year checkup and I am excited to report that they are both healthy and doing well.

I almost cried though, when they both stepped up on the big scale to get weighed and their height measurements, I thought "when did we stop having to lay you down to weigh you and measure your height? Really you are growing too fast."  But then I realized that I am just so proud of them for how they are growing, learning and who they are becoming.  I think they are the smartest 3 year old kids there are, but I am a little bias!

We were sitting and chatting with the doctor, they played nicely and for the most part were very quiet while I talked about their development.  They were awesome when the doctor did their check up, this is where the monkeys come into our story.

About a month ago Caden was at the doctor for a cough, he was fine but during the visit the doctor asked him if he had monkeys in his ears, this kid LOVES monkeys, after all we have 2 George's - they are twins and Baby Monkey.  So he has been saying that he has monkeys in his ears, and today was no different.  When the doctor went to look in his ears, he proudly said, "I have monkeys in my ears" to which she chuckled and went along with his theory of the monkeys in his ears.  When she was listening to his chest, she asked if there were monkeys in there too, he replies, "those are the Madagascar monkeys in there" god love this kid and his thoughts and imagination!

So we all have monkeys in our ears, Maggie and Mommy too, but for a few minutes Maggie and I were not allowed to have monkeys in our ears, only alligators.  That quickly changed though and it is now deemed that we do have monkeys in our ears!

And here are their stats:
Caden Weight: 38.6lbs +6.2 from last year 94% for his age Height: 39" +2.5 from last year 81% for his age
Maggie Weight: 26.8lbs +3.2 from last year 27% for her age Height: 36.25 +1.25 from last year 27% for her age
So we have one shooting off the charts and one barely on the charts but we have come a long, long way from the 4lbs babies they were 3 years ago!

One thing I hope they never lose is their imagination and belief that there are monkeys in their ears!

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