"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Monday, November 15, 2010

The difficult task of potty training - UGH I am scared of it...

So as we started full board potty training last week this was my thought.  Now 8 days later, I feel better but boy those first few days were rough.

It is so hard to tackle something new when you are not sure your child is ready for it.  Much less if you have never done the task - potty training that is - I think it is scary, I mean you want to succeed and not have your child going to kindergarten in a diaper. 

I tried to ready books, that didn't work for me so I went to my never fail - ask the mom's who have already done it!  I got some great ideas and thoughts from all of those mom's out there who and have been there and done it.  Not all of them worked but from each one I learned a little something that helped Maggie get to where she is today - almost there and fully potty trained!  SO THANK YOU FRIENDS, near far, here in person or in writing I apprecaite your sharing and encouragement!

The best advice though came from my friend Devon, way over in Boise, who at the point of me giving into my 2 year old who wanted to quit sent me a text that said, "YOU ARE NOT DONE! Put away the diapers and make her do this she is ready."  So I sucked it up and we tried again and I am so glad Devon sent me those words that day at that moment because I was ready to quit!  Maggie had told me she was done and she wanted her Elmo diaper so I was ready to give in, after all changing a diaper is much easier than cleaning up a mess on the floor and carrying around change of clothes.  You know what - she just needed mommy to give it one more try and she did too and we haven't looked back.  Sure we have had accidents and sure we need to figure out a few more things, overnight included, but she nowgoes to the restroom on her own when she needs to and ask for help when she needs it.  Just another step in her independence that makes me realize how fast she is growing.

I debated on writing about this topic but you know what, it is a big part of our lives right now and I need to be honest with Maggie when she asks for help in potty training her children, I was scared of doing it because I had no idea what to do or where to start but she didn't go to kindergarten in a diaper so she too can figure it out!  It is another lesson in being a parent and being pushed to do more than you thought you ever could. 

I am very thankful for the fact that long ago my mom taught me to never give up and to keep pushing to get things done!  I used those lessons in my lessons of potty to Maggie. 
I am also thankful for my friend, who I haven't seen in way too long and her words of advice and encouragement that day at that moment. 
Without her I would have quit and Maggie would still be wearing diapers

To those of you who have to yet potty train a child, I won't lie it isn't fun (4 loads of pee clothes alone last week) but you can do it.  Rely on friends and family for help and suggestions, just know what worked for them may or may not work for your child.  Keep at it and when they are ready they are ready!

By the way - Maggie is working towards her Princess Tiana doll (thank you Aunt Haley for the suggestion) and we will be sure to post pictures when she earns it!

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