"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Here's to being on the road to recovery!

Today I am very thankful to be on the road to recovery.  I have been fighting a flu bug for a couple of days and because Mommy and Daddy don't get sick days it has been very tough around the house to say the least.  Matthew was also fighting the bug as well as a bum leg so for the sake of all of us in the house, here is to Mommy and Daddy recovering from their aliments.  I have determined we can never ever be sick at the same time again.  So for today in giving thanks I am thankful to be feeling better, not 100% yet but on my way and can maybe just maybe get a few things done tonight!

On the bright side of this illness, since I could barely stand up the last two nights and didn't feel like completing any of the chores needing to be done, I got the chance to have some one on one time with Mallory.  This was LONG over due and in a way I am grateful that my not feeling well forced me to sit down with her and have the most amazing chats.

She is such a happy baby and all she really wants is for you to talk to her.  She of course will talk and respond back but those big smiles are the priceless part of any conversation with her.

Having 4 kids makes it extremely difficult to get quality one on one time unless you plan it in advance as a special outing and it hardly ever happens at home on a whim but that is exactly what occurred on Tuesday night with Mallory.  She was being a little fussy, really she just wanted some attention, so she and I went upstairs to sit down and watch some Dancing with the Stars.  We didn't get to watch much television but I had the most amazing interaction with my little girl that a mom could ever ask for.  I so loved our time together that I ended up turning off the television and just hanging out with her until she fell asleep. 

Last night it was the same thing, a little girl who was a bit fussy, a mom wants to sit down to rest and so upstairs we went to "talk" again!  And just as she was on Tuesday she was a happy little thing with the biggest smiles and loudest coos to share with me. 

Even though I felt miserable during this time with her it was all forgotten and I truly enjoyed my one on one time with my baby girl. 

My lesson to myself, don't wait until you are sick to make that one on one time happen with your children at home, they have the most amazing things to say and sitting down to listen is important!   I know this is important but when the day to day stuff overwhelms you and gets in the way it is easy to forget the important things and then you realize your children are quickly growing up right in front of your eyes. 

Life is too short to not stop and listen to what the little people have to say!

Mallory during our "chat time"

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