"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Sunday, November 28, 2010

My oh my time does fly! The toddler times

I can't believe it Caden and Maggie are 3 today!  It seems just like yesterday that I was at the doctor for a regular check up, out to lunch, then back to the doctor, admitted to the hospital then delivered two babies who decided to enter the world 6 weeks early!  I remember laying there watching Rudolph the Rednose Raindeer thinking that it would be a long couple of weeks on bed rest for me.  I was planning all of the books I could read, things that wouldn't get done before Christmas, wondering how to keep my sanity when all of a sudden, ok this was like 4 hours, we were heading to the OR to deliver my babies.

To celebrate their birthday we had family over for a party and of course we had cake and ice cream.  They were totally amazed by their cakes and couldn't wait to for all of the people to get here so they could eat them.  Thank you to Sarah at Baby Cakes Bakery for her hard work and delivery! 

So 3 year olds on their birthday are fun, they are learning what it is to get presents, they pick the things they want, they have an amazing reaction to every present and they know how to make a mess with all of their gifts.

So we have come a long way from being preemies, growing and learning more each day.  I just can't believe that they are 3 today! 

I am so thankful for these two little miracles, they bring so much joy and laughter to our lives. 
They are becoming amazing little people who enjoy life to it's fullest! 
But my oh my doesn't time fly! 
I sure wish we could slow it down!

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