"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hello Exhaustion!

In case I haven't told you lately you are not my friend, I have not invited you into my life and you can go away at any point now! 
It may only be 8:00 in the evening but I cannot even keep my eyes open - but I have to - the kiddos need me.

Maybe it is the long hours at work, going 1000 miles a minute from the moment I walk in the door until I walk out.  Maybe it is the fact that 10 loads of laundry have been washed - 8 other loads have been folded and put away - that some how leaves me about 4 loads to yet fold and put away.  Maybe it is that I am trying to make up from being away from my kids last week.  Maybe it is the fact that I average getting up at least 3 times in the middle of the night.  Maybe it is because I am moving so fast during the day my mind doesn't ever rest even during sleep.  Maybe it is just that I have 4 kids you know?  Whatever it is that is causing my exhaustion it may go away at any point now. 

I do know that I have the kids settled down, watching Toy Story for the millionth time, and I am just praying that we are all asleep within 45 minutes.  This mom who LOVES Grey's Anatomy won't even be able to stay awake to see 5 minutes of my favorite show.  Thank goodness for DVR!  The best friend of a mom! 

On a notable moment Miss Mallory is sitting up unassisted now!  I can't believe it - photos to come tomorrow!

To my body, I am listening, it is time to rest, I know I why I am feeling like crap!  Ever since I can remember my body has a very strong way of telling me to SLOW DOWN and rest!  I know I may not always listen but I am listening now and it is going to be an early night!

So here is to a very restful night and hopefully only having to wake up 2 times during the night!

HAPPY FRIDAY!  Oh how I have been waiting for you!

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