"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This time I broke his heart....

As I sat with Caden last night at bedtime we were talking about how our days went and if he had fun at school or not.  If you have never asked a 3 year old about their day I high recommend it as you never know what you may get.   However, this conversation hurt and I know I broke his little heart.

Caden said he had a good day at school.  There have been lots of exciting changes in the last two weeks at daycare.  They are now in the 3 year old class, which means they are downstairs and have 3 new rooms to explore.  They are learning lots and making lots of new friends and rejoining some friends who had moved on before them. 

However, as our discussion went on I told him that it was time for him to go to sleep as he had to go to school tomorrow.  Well that prompted a conversation that we have more often than I would like and which is never easy.  Caden says to me, "well I don't want to go to school tomorrow, I just want to stay home with you"  I tried to explain to him that Mommy and Daddy have to go to work so he has to go to school, but that I know he has fun at school and we will have lots of fun when we are together all day on Saturday and Sunday (we are really working on our days of the week and tyring to realize when the actual days happen, they know them all just not what day it really is and what day comes next.) 
He just did not want to accept going to school last night, he said, "well we can stay home tomorrow it is Tuesday and we can play trains and watch movies"  His little face showing so much disappointment was enough to tell me that this time Mommy broke his heart. And while this was a wonderful plan that he had and one I would much rather be doing the reality is Mommy had to go to work today.  We didn't get to stay home together and play and watch movies.  

I do hate the fact that I could not stay home with him today. 
I broke his heart and at the same time broke my own heart. 
Had it been another day I probably would have blown off work and just stayed home with my toddlers but there were obligations at work that needed to be fulfilled. 
But I can guarantee you that very soon I will keep those toddlers home, forget the 20 loads of laundry that need to be done, the dishes that need to be washed and we will play and watch movies!  
My little man needs that day as much as I do!


  1. I can only imagine how hard it was for you to go to work today! Jackson can't yet "tell" me he wants to stay home and play together all day, but I know he feels it and thinks it and that alone is enough to break my heart many days!

  2. Jessica, I would like to say balancing mommyhood and a career gets easier as they get older but I can't. As I type he is snuggled up to my side watching a movie before bedtime! I will take it :)
