"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Monday, January 10, 2011

A perfect weekend!

After a long week of traveling, working hard and missing  my family I had the perfect weekend!  This is the photo that kept me going last week while I was away.

He is sleeping but smiling sweetly!
 I picked up the toddlers about 4:00 on Friday and I was ready to headed home.  I wasn't shocked that when I walked into daycare they didn't really notice me or want to leave, they have transitioned to the 3 year old room and are truly enjoying their new friends.  However, when we got home the cuddles and catching up were on!  we put on a movie, changed into comfy clothes and waited for daddy and the babies to get home.  It was great to ask them what they had done all week and get responses.  They said they are enjoying their new classroom and that they had fun at dance with Memaw on Thursday.  Of course I asked if they missed me and I still don't know what the answer was because we were busy playing.
Then daddy and the babies came home, my oh my how infants can change in a week!  I swear they have doubled in size.  But they didn't fail me - they both has smiles when I went to greet them and their version of hugs too!  We snuggled and laughed and showed mommy new tricks. 

It was great to have my family together, just the 6 of us, hunkered down for a lazy Friday night with pizza and movies and no where to go!

Saturday was wonderful as we had a few family and friends over for football.  I love gatherings that allow us to be together for a bit and chat, catch up and make some plans!  The kids and I had a great morning together, got the house picked up a bit and sent daddy to run the errands while we did puzzles and played with Toy Story and dress up.  Mallory had so much fun with mommy that she fell asleep while finishing her lunch!

All tuckered out! Being a big girl is hard work!

Sunday was probably my favorite - jammie day!  No where to be but with our family and snuggled in for football, puzzles, movies and naps.  It was a wonderful day together, a great day to reconnect with my family and a restful one to gear up for yet another busy week.  Caden started his week by sleeping for 14 hours!  Guess his time with the cousins on Saturday wore him out! 

It was just a wonderful and simple weekend - I came home about 4:00 on Friday evening and never walked outside of my house until 6:00 this morning!  I LOVED IT!  Quality time with my family and never leaving the house. 

Here's to another week in our lives and here's to a GREAT weekend of memories!

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