"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

the People I miss dearly...

Side note; I started writing this entry about 2 weeks ago and it has taken me a lot of thought and time to get through it.  I have some many people who have touched my life and who I miss everyday.  I miss them more at the holidays for sure but think of them almost daily.  So even though it is dated I thought it needed to be posted...

As the holidays and cream cheese season come to a close, I think of all of the loved ones who were not physically here to share in the joys, laughter and fun. 

I miss them all who have left too soon, I truly do but there are a few who have been on my mind a lot during the holidays. 

My cousin Gina: every Christmas we would plot how we could spend some more time together, where we going to stay at her house or at mine, what would our moms say?  I think they always knew we would ask to stay together and never really cared if we left home for a few days.  She and I were close as kids, Grandma Horstman would call us by each others name when we were together, she would fling her head gear across the room in the middle of the night scaring me half to death when I stayed with her.  We took the best and longest bike rides around Plainfield, we played for numerous hours in the parking lot of the church across the street.  We had some great times.  I remember when she had Jacob, visiting with her and helping with that sweet little boy.  He is growing to such an amazing young man.  I remember our last photo together, at my wedding, it is one I will forever cherish. 
I miss my GeeGee - she was a gal full of life, she had her challenges but she was my friend and an older sister to me.  She would be proud of Jacob. 

My Grandma Horstman: she always made sure we had the best family gatherings, with the best meals and the most yummiest of deserts.  She was always up for a visit with whoever wanted to stop by.  She would offer you a drink and a snack.  When we were younger and stayed with her it was Gin Rummy and puzzles to keep us busy as well as listening to the Reds games on the radio.  Most of all she kept the family together during the holidays which has driven us to continue to do so now.  I am proud that my parents have stepped up to the traditions and allow the chaos of love to continue in the Horstman home!

The nuns: Grandma's sisters, they came every holiday usually with Sister Suzanna, and they always loved to sit, visit and listen what you had been up to.  They taught me many things, my favorite is the tree afghans, and they had lots of stories about growing up with Grandma.  I remember when Paulita came back from her missions in New Guinea and she asked Grandma what an electric knife was when she was helping her one Thanksgiving.  The things she missed while she was out changing the world are the ones we took for granted.  They were the most loving people, always curious on what you were up to and where you were going in life.  I miss them, I miss visiting them at the convent.  I miss their crafts and calendars that they always made.  I miss their Christmas letter with the update on how the Reds did that season.  They did an amazing job that many won't do and were amazing ladies who loved life.

Granny Cool: she loved the Christmas holidays and LOVED shopping for everyone.  I wouldn't do it right if I tried to tell you how many presents she bought and wrapped.  She started shopping the day after Christmas each year.  She always coordinated her shoes and purse with her outfit and was decked to a T at every event.  I am very glad that she was able to meet Caden and Maggie, but still sad that she didn't see Mallory and Cale.  She instilled in the toddler twins a love for Christmas, Maggie still asks if Christmas is over and why and Caden each morning asks if we can listen to Jingle Bells on the way to school.  Of course we listen to it, honestly I won't care if we are still listening to that song in July!  She always brought an angel food cake and Maggie has developed a love for them!  Thank goodness Memaw Donna makes a great angel food cake. 

Those aren't the only ones I miss just the ones on my mind right now, I love of our family and friends who are no longer with us and miss them dearly.  I know that there are some amazing angels watching over my family and I and living with us each day. 
Thank you all for the impression you have left on my life and for watching over us!
You all are not forgotten ever!

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