"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A moment of parenting reassurance

As a parent I often wonder if Matt and I are doing a good job of raising our children.  No it is not easy, but we are doing the best we can.  We know that they can be angels and usually are when they are with other folks but we also know that they can be little devils when they are with us. 

They are kids, it is what they do and they like to see how far they can push us, I know that, I often have to remind myself that but it still feels great when we do get a little reminder that the little people we are raising are turning out just fine and that they are learning positive lessons in life.

Matt and I had this opportunity to glimpse into the polite side of Maggie last Friday.  At school they offer a dance class they you can sign your children up for during the day.  During this particular class each girl who is taking the class could bring a friend.  Josie selected Maggie to attend the class with her and we received the following note from Ms. Lauren as well as a similar update from Ms. Kate when we picked up the kids....

"Trina & Matt,
Josie picked Maggie to go to dance class with her today because she could bring a friend.  After they were done, the teacher made a point to come down and let me know how well behaved and polite Maggie was!  She said that at the end Maggie walked up to her on her own and thanked her for letting her dance with them today.  So I just wanted to relay the message to you guys and remind you again how awesome she is :)

Have a great weekend!
Ms. Lauren"

I was so proud and shared with Maggie how proud of her I am for her actions, thoughtfulness and kindness.  I like to think that at some point Matthew and I are doing okay as parents however, we cannot take all of the credit, our support system definitely reinforces these manners as well.  Maggie is not always the first to thank people much less to go and do it on her own without promoting, maybe that is why is was such a wonderful note and story to hear.   I am once again grateful for Ms. Lauren and for the fact that she shared this with us, Ms. Kate too. 

Whatever the reason for this showcase of awesomeness, this little being has impressed her momma and I am proud. 
What she does not know is that now that she has shown these manners we will for sure continue to make sure that she is using them and that they become part of who she is in everything she does. 

Oh Doodle - we love you and are proud of you - we are grateful for the lessons you are applying in your life, your wonderful teachers and all of those around you who have given you these positive influences!

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