"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Her Cinderella is missing her leg - literally!

On Monday Maggie came over to me and was in a tizzy, she could not find Cinderella's leg.  I was very perplexed so of course I asked some more questions. 

"What do you mean you cannot find Cinderella's leg?" Her reply, "it is gone, I lost it like a few weeks ago"

"So your Cinderella does not have a leg and there is only one there?" Her reply, "yes I do not know where the other one went, it is gone"

"Okay do you know where you lost this leg?" her reply, "no, no I don't but we must find it!" (she was becoming excited)

"Do you have the Princess so that I can what is really going on here" her reply, "she is missing her leg (growing frustration with her mother) and I lost it a few weeks ago, I just don't know where it is"

After that she disappeared, I guessed that she had moved onto the next thing but nope, she was off finding that Cinderella and by golly - she is missing her leg!

Of course I took the very uncaring mom route and started to laugh and laugh hard.  I had a flashback to my childhood when my sister Erica would take the heads off of my  Barbie's - I do not recall her ever getting a leg off but still this little mishap brought a smile to my face as I thought of the many tears I cried, the screams I made at her and how I never wanted her to play with my Barbies because she always tore their heads off!

So we have a one leg Cinderella, we are searching for her leg but in the mean time teaching Maggie a lesson that just because she only has one leg doesn't mean she isn't any less of a Princess. 
She is beautiful as always and can play just the same as if she had two legs.

Oh and as for my headless Barbies - we never did fix them all but I love my sister to this day and have forgiven her for all of the destruction she did to my dolls.

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