"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Monday, January 28, 2013

Doing a little dance - almost to a BIG goal!

So last week I never got to the celebration for myself, I am almost to a weight loss goal. 

Granted I started this goal over 2.5 years ago but whatever, I have four kids, a hubby, a full time career and a million things going on - sorry if my weight was not the main focus or goal - whatever my excuse I am almost there.  FIVE more pounds, that is it and I will be there!  I was so excited to see that goal in sight.  I really had given up and was just going to "live with it" and just be a little upset with myself and miserable because I was close but never have time to work out, okay so I don't make the time, and why eat healthy I wanted to be happy.  Well the more I thought about it the more I realized that I will be much happier if I can just get my weight where I have wanted to for the last two years. 

All of the credit goes to the Weight Watcher app and to my company for allowing me to have an iPhone!  That is what finally made it so easy that I had to track everything I put in my mouth.  That and I want a new pair of jeans and a new swimsuit, I refuse to buy the same size so I knew that those two factors were enough motivators.

Please do not get me wrong, if you know me I do not obsess about my weight, I live with it, I own it and I control what I eat.  I love my sweets and the adults beverages, I have been known to walk enough activity points to eat a donut!  But I did not want to be where I was, I look and feel much better without those 15 extra pounds. 

I LOVE my body, it has safely carried four amazing kiddos, it is not a pretty tummy on the outside and has really no muscle on the inside but it is where they all lived for 34 or 36 weeks, depending on the set of twins.  It definitely has not failed in our goal to be parents.  I know have to do the work to get to where I want to be, so what if it takes me months.  So what if I gain 3 pounds on a mini vacation away, it can go away with hard work and discipline.  So what if when I get to that goal weight my body is not the same shape as it would have been 6 years ago at that weight.  It is all different now, FOUR babies grew in that tummy and the rest of my body supported that weight - GASP 57 pounds or so that I gained when pregnant!

For now, just a little dance party - which I count as exercise - that I am only five pounds away from a major goal in my journey to being a better me!

Whatever your goal, I hope you never lose sight, sure the path may not be a straight one to get to the goal but my paths have never been straight in life and what I have accomplished.  That is why I love it, it is mine, it is my journey with my cheerleaders along the way to celebrate and wipe my tears and one that I have never lost sight of - even when there were mornings of donut cravings to which I caved! 
Hold yourself accountable, you are the one you will disappoint the most if you do not make it! 

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