"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Sunday, January 13, 2013

What a weekend!

Whew - what a weekend!  From feeling under the weather to getting things crossed off the to do list we did it all!

Friday:  What started as me not feeling well that morning got worse as the day went on.  I did not feel like I could miss work and really did not know if I was sick or if it was the emotional roller coaster which I had taken a ride on during Thursday that was giving me the feelings I had.  I honestly wished I would have puked - I would have felt 10 times better!  I decided to leave work about 3:00 and made it home, although I do not exactly remember the drive home much.  As soon as I hit the house I went to sleep.  Matthew called to say he was getting the kids and that they would head to the horse track so I could sleep - we had a bye in soccer.  God Love Him!  He picked up the kids and his reinforcements and off they went for a night at the track. 

Our kids LOVE the horse track.  Cale always roots for the Blue one and Mallory the Pink, Caden prefers to pick by how the horse looks and Maggie, well she is either into it or wants to go home.  They all did great per daddy and I was grateful for the quiet time and rest.  However, it is funny, I had the house to myself, it was not a complete disaster but yet I could not sit still!  I knew I needed to rest but I kept thinking about all of the things I should be doing around the house.  It was WAY to quiet, I am not used to the house that quiet. 

I made myself sit still, well after I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, made some soup and grabbed a movie - I cannot remember the last time I got to pick the movie!  It really was not an easy task to sit there and get better but I did it.  And just as my movie was ending my family made it home.  I was glad to get up and help them all in and to get them ready for bed.

Let's call Friday a recoup day and one that was a great lesson!

Saturday:  This day started out as any weekend does, Cale hollering from his room that he wants to get out of his bed.  We brought him into our room hoping for a few more minutes of sleep but he was having none of that!  So down we came and off our day started at 7:30 AM!  This kid needs to learn to sleep in - please buddy just until 8:00!  Laundry was waiting and there was a lot to do, I was feeling a bit better so why not get going.  After coffee, breakfast and seeing daddy off to go do little league sign ups we got to the laundry monster that comes out of the kids rooms.  Really you cannot imagine all of the laundry these little people can create!  We got it sorted, they are learning to help, got our loads going, had a few fights, played nicely together, cleaned the laundry room, tried on our swimsuits (it was 60 degrees out in January), ate lunch and the little ones went down for their nap while daddy went to ski for a few hours.  Whew - I sat down with Caden and Maggie to see if they would "rest" as they had to go to a birthday party that evening.  After about an hour of rest we decided that there was mail to sort and bills to pay and trains to play so off we went.

The evening consisted of 3 of us heading to a birthday party for our buddy Xander and the other 3 of us running errands!  From 4-7 it was divide conquer as usual! 
My half was the complete with the charming 2 year olds and they were angels.  We went to the jewelry store - I finally got the rest of our 10 year anniversary gift and LOVE it, to Lowe's for the paint for the dining room, to dinner - no they did not bring their money to pay for our date and they chose McDonald's - and then to Kroger for a few things we needed.  I can say I am one lucky mom, they were awesome, never acted out, listened and only asked for one extra item at the grocery!  It is definitely getting easier to get around with the kids.

We finished up and came home to prepare the dining room for the painting task that was for Sunday.  It was a long day that accomplished a lot and ended with some quiet time on the couch with my hubby watching football, Pawn Stars and the Miss America Pageant. 

Sunday:  Well it did not start as planned but it ended just fine!  Great in fact!  Matt and the boys headed off to the Cavalcade of Customs, Papaw Casey was supposed to take Caden but was not feeling well and the gals and I watched the Miss America Pageant, of course I DVR'd it how else will my little pageant queen know what it is? 

I finally got the girls to a point where I felt I could actually open the paint can.  Do you know how hard it is to juggle painting - a dark color I may add -, making lunch, solving fights, keeping them out of the paint, telling them why they cannot paint, and finding the toy that they just know is somewhere in this house?  It was not easy but I was determined and we got it done!

The day has ended with an awesome dinner with Memaw Jo, Papaw Frank and Big Papaw - they came to rescue the kids from daddy who hates the mess they were making with toys - our dining room is almost put back together - there are some changes we are making to the kids library and I need to head to Ikea! - and now I am just about to head to bed myself. 

You may ask why record this weekend?  Well because - for once it was a "normal" weekend plus I am SUPER excited to be able to check these home "to dos" off the list!  Only 6 more rooms to paint!   I am blessed because we can have this weekend time, some families do not get it and others do not have their health.  I am just grateful for the things we have and I want our children to know that as they read this when they are older. 

Here is to a good week - let's stay off the roller coasters - and one that is productive!

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