"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Taking a moment and trying to balance

Right now I have mid year reviews I should be writing, a deck to complete (well two actually), over 156 emails that are unread, Kappa paperwork to complete, laundry to be folded and put away and a GAZILLION other things that need to be done around this house but I am calling a time out - there are two things that I need to recognize with my children - hold on dance party is breaking out....

just sing the song, "Here I Am" by Barbie

Okay - after 4 minutes of dancing to Barbie's Princess and the Popstar (it is the important things in life) I am back to the recognition.  Caden was Star Student at school, Maggie continues to prove to us, when we are not around, that we are raising her to be a wonderful young lady and I am close to a 2.5 year goal.  Even though all of those other things are happening and going on I need to take this time and get a few things down for us to remember. 

After so much has happened over the last few weeks and then the loss of the young twelve year old girl int the accident of 80+ cars yesterday I know these are the moments that need to be recorded.  So as I sit here with my decaf coffee trying to finish this entry, I am watching my four amazing little people, they make me smile, they warm my heart, make me proud and most of all make me laugh. 

Time out again - we have to rock out once again - btw we have 3 guitar players and one singer!

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