"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

We have lost our 1st Tooth!

It was an exciting time in our home last night - we have lost our first tooth and I really did not think it would come this soon but could not be more proud of Caden, how he handled the situation and how he reacted!  You never know with this one which way things will go but he did awesome!

Caden's tooth has been loose now for about 4 weeks, we really had know idea but did learn this at the dentist when he at least let them count his teeth.  He has been wiggling that little tooth with his tongue for 4 weeks.  When you would ask him to do the wiggling yourself he would cover his tooth with his lip - there was no getting a finger in that mouth. 

Each week I noticed it was moving more and more, he had a gap where it started to go side to side but he would not let you put your fingers in there to pull it.  He was going to do this on his terms and I was okay with that.

Well yesterday proved to be the day.  He went to Memaw Jo's after school since I had the girls at dance and Memaw said it was really loose when she picked him up.  He of course wanted to show her his loose tooth.  She was worried it would come out while he was eating dinner - it was almost able to lay flat at this point - but he would not let her pull it.  Memaw told him to just keep wiggling it and that it would eventually fall out.

On their way back to the house as they were driving down 50 and approaching the stop light he did it - he knocked it out with this tongue.  Well that caused a bit of panic because A. it was dark B. they were in a moving vehicle with no adult near him and C. it was his first tooth that we definitely wanted to leave for the tooth fairy. 
Memaw asked him if he had it in his hand, he said yes and she said whatever you do, do not lose it.  He held it in his hand the few more minutes home and came in smiling and so excited to share his joy and to show me his "little" tooth.  Caden could really not get over how little his tooth was, I kept thinking with a tooth that little is it not too soon to lose it?  The dentist has informed me they are the right age for losing teeth.  He did say that it tasted like yuck - meaning the blood that came from it was gross but lucky there wasn't a lot of blood because again, they were in a moving vehicle!

I love my sweet little boy.

He definitely over thinks a lot of things and tonight it was about going to sleep in his bed when the tooth fairy would come to our house for her very first visit.

I could see the panic, the lower lip was out, the tears in the eyes and the genuine concern. He did not want the tooth fairy in his room! 

We compromised, I was afraid if we didn't he would never go to bed. We wrote her a letter saying we were excited for her to visit. It decided to leave the tooth on the kitchen table so she didn't wake Caden. He signed the letter and looked completely relieved with the solution. 

I cannot complain. It definitely makes it easier on the tooth fairy! 

This is an exciting and new "1st" for us - it is a big growing up 1st.  He was so proud this morning talking about that little tooth and showing his daddy how he carried it in his hand.  He was also very excited to have an ice cream party last night to celebrate. 

The one downside of this excitement and joy, his twin, Miss Maggie is so very upset that she has not yet lost a tooth even though 2 of hers are loose. 

Ah the joys of manging twins! 
I sense this is just the beginning of the competition among these two! 
For now we are celebrating our lost tooth and just trying to capture the little things in these little people's lives.

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