"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

8 years ago today I said, "I Do"

And all 8 years have been GREAT thus far.  Even more so I looking forward to all of the years to come.

Matthew and I were married on October 12, 2002 at 5:30 in the evening at St. John's church in Harrison Ohio with our service performed by Father Shine.  Our reception was at the Kopling Center in Mt. Healthy.  The day was beautiful and sunny, the weather was simply perfect.  We were surrounded by our family and friends.  I could share so many more details but it was simply an amazing day and one of the best 3 days of my life.  To all of those who were part of our day I thank you and to our parents thank you for all of your support and guidance in this journey.

Everyone said marriage is hard and they definitely were not lying but what they don't tell you is that the rewards far outweigh the hardships. I am so grateful and blessed to have Matthew in my life that I cannot picture it any other way.  Not to mention the great family that I was brought into and then given.  All of it still truly amazes me everyday.  However, I don't think we ever thought in our lifetime that we would have 4 children, much less 2 sets of twins.

When I first met Matt I never would have guessed that he would be the man I married, for goodness sakes we met at the boat.  But after 6 months of running into him at different places I agreed to a date, a Pearl Jam concert at Riverbend.  Who would of thought that just 6 short months later we would be engaged. 

The entire journey has been a ride of a lifetime and he is my grounding during so many busy days. 
Matthew, you balance me and share our life joys with me.  You keep us grounded on the important things in life, you make sure we always have fun.  You are an amazing father and a wonderful husband.  We have been so many places and done so much that I can't pick just one favorite memory, all of our trips and adventures are simply a little chapter in our story together.

8 years ago I had a slight fetish with Chipotle burritos as the restaurants were just entering the area, Matthew swore I loved that place more than him but I hope have proven him wrong.  I even had that engraved in his wedding ban, "I love you more than burritos" to be able to start a marriage with a simple promise of more than burritos has to be the secret to a great one! 

Thank you Matthew for your love and support and here is to keeping our sanity and sense of self as we raise these 4 little people in our lives.  A millions times over if you asked me again the answer without a doubt would be I DO!

1 comment:

  1. You are both an inspiration to all married couples -- work at the marriage and make sure you have fun while doing it!
