"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Friday, October 15, 2010

It's been a struggle...

Over the last couple of weeks I have struggled with so many things that I think it is time for a relaxing weekend of doing nothing but hanging out with my family and getting some sleep.  So that is just what I am going to do!

I am struggling to get enough sleep, I am struggling to stay awake driving home from work, I am struggling to get my laundry done, I am struggling to find my way back into a groove at work, I am struggling to eat right, I am struggling to spend enough quality time with my kids, I am struggling to find the time to blog, I am struggling to write my blogs.  It just seems that all of these struggles have built up and are blocking the thoughts and memories from pouring out onto these pages and are not allowing me to enjoy my life.   Some may question why I would even take the time to write about struggles but it is to show my children that no mommy isn't perfect, she can't always keep it together but she knows how to call a timeout and get back in the right direction and let it all go.  

So my promise to myself, is NOTHING to do this weekend.  No plans, lazy Saturday, maybe even jammies all day, getting some yummy coffee, reading some magazines, seeing some of our favorite people, seeing my nephew walk in person and most of all enjoying my family.   Because in the end that is what is important and what it is all about, my children do not care if the laundry is done, if I weigh a little more than I should, or if I miss a day of capturing our memories. 
I have been blessed with this family but I am no good if I don't stop and enjoy them and our time together when I have it!
I challenge all of you reading this to do the same, take a lazy Saturday and enjoy your family.

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