"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Yes he wore GREEN socks to school today!

So this morning as we were once again trying to get out the door to start our day Caden decided he was going to be EXTREMELY picky about what socks he wore.  He was wearing a Thomas and Friends shirt so I suggested his Percy socks, but he didn't want Percy socks he wanted Thomas socks, well we don't have any but I told him next time I was at the store I would gladly get him some Thomas socks.  I suggested his striped socks, they are the other half of the Percy socks and I thought that maybe that would qualify, but no he didn't want his striped socks.  Next I went in and got a basic pair of white socks, which he wears almost everyday.  But no those wouldn't work either.  Finally, I suggested that he come pick out his socks.

And yes he picked a green pair which were in his sock drawer and were a bit too small I may add.  Now was he wearing green anywhere else, NO.  Was he sure that he was wearing the green socks, YES.  Did this mom fight him, NO WAY!  So off he went in his navy pants with a red stripe, his red t-shirt and his GREEN socks.  I am pretty sure that it was a topic of conversation somewhere in his school today, that or they think I have truly lost it as a mother.  Whatever he wanted today for his socks was what he was going to get because I didn't have 15 more minutes to keep arguing over what he was going to wear and really in the end who cares.  The green socks weren't hurting a thing or any one and I laughed all day as I thought about his outfit with the green socks! 
God love him, we sure do, green socks and all!

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