"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I am my mother's daughter!

So we have been working hard on getting this basement finished in the last couple of weeks and last night was no different.  I went downstairs at 6:30 to do the second coat to the play room, which my daughter Maggie chose RED for, but after only 2.5 walls I was out of paint!  So instead of heading back to Lowe's I started on the dreaded "Old Gold".  I was only planning on getting 3 big walls done but as I started I knew that I was going to keep painting until I was finished with the Old Gold in one coat. 

I had two nice visits from Caden and Maggie, "What you doing mommy?" "Hello" "You painting my room?" "You coming downstairs to lay down with me?" (this one broke my heart because I wanted to get this done and she really means upstairs but we are confused with up and down as well as him and her right now) "I get my shoes and help you" (now that would have been a chore! almost 3 year olds painting)
They sat on the steps and chatted with me for about 10 minutes and I enjoyed every minute of their visit.  Plus it gave daddy a break because I could hear that they weren't being the best behaved kids.

After their visit I knew it was at least 9:00 because Matthew took them up to put them to bed.  But I was making progress so I  kept going.  I got to painting towards the top of the stairs and realized how quiet the house was, I had no idea what time it was though but I was almost there, one coat of Old Gold down, so keep on going.  About 15 minutes later I had finally finished the stairs which was a PAIN and was cleaning up.  I was greeted by, "you are insane" as Matthew finally came down to find me and saw how much I had finished!  So needless to say I promptly said, "I am my mother's daughter" because that is the same attitude and work ethic my mom would take, do it until it is done! 

I am so thankful my mom has taught me so many things in life.  I am very thankful for the work ethic she instilled in me at an early age and I am proud to keep it going with my kids, or at least I hope to keep it going.  And when I finally climbed into the shower at 10:56 PM I felt accomplished and one step closer to this finished basement we have been planning for so long!   And yes very much so I am my mother's daughter, not only by looks but by how we do things and I see that more and more each day but I am proud that I do them the same as her because I think she is great.


BUT I have to tell you I am also glad I am almost finished painting with "old gold" because this IU grad cannot stand to see PURDE GOLD anymore.  Which will only make Matthew happy because that means I probably won't visit the basement much!

1 comment:

  1. Hail hail, our ole Purdue, oh hail to our old Gold & Black.. hail, hail to Old Purdue, our friendship may she never lack! Ever grateful, ever true, as we raise our song anew, BOILER UP, all the days we spend with you, oh hail, our ole Purdue!!
