"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!"

Monday, September 6, 2010

Well I have begun my blogging journey!

For the last 6-8 weeks I have been thinking of how to best share with my children the chaos and love of our life and how we did it when they were young and our house was crazy.  I have contemplated journeying the old fashion way of pen and paper just for them, blogging, or just trying to remember it all in photos.  I thought why not just blog, I can do it during the day at lunch, late at night when the family is sleeping or early morning since I will more than like be up with the babies anyways.  Plus I have been reading the blogs of a few family and friends and I love to see what they are doing even when we aren't in the same city. 

So this is my entry into blogging.  I hope that you enjoy it or at least can learn that yes you can manage with 4 kids and a husband and a career all the while having fun!  We only get one chance at this gift called life and I am doing my best to find the positive in each day and trial brought my way.  Along the way I want to make sure that my children grow up knowing they are loved and that they learn a few important lessons as well as have FUN.  After all we have one go at this life. 

Yes I have two sets of twins, that is 4 kids under the age of 3 but I have an amazing husband, supporting family and the best friends to keep me sane.  I can't say I am Super Woman but I can tell you I am a mom and I will do what needs to be done for my kids and the house work can wait!

Check back often but don't be surprised if I am MIA for a while - after all I have 4 kids you know!

1 comment:

  1. Trina- So excited that you're blogging.. I have to say, I started my first blog 2.5 years ago and I am obsessed. It is the best way to capture your memories and savor them a little longer! -Jessica (Hoffman) Engel
