That child could have been my Maggie - why? She got out of the house on Monday night when the rest of us were upstairs finishing bath time and was in the back yard - which by the way is near a street and one where she could have easily been hit as there are parked cars that would hide her tiny body. I am thankful that the kids from next door were out (they are however, what drew her outside) and that her older brother (by one minute) was tattling on her and that her punishment made her understand why she can't go outside by herself. I have never been so worried and mad at her as I was that night but I am so thankful she was standing in the middle of our yard. And yes we will be taking steps to make sure it doesn't happen again.
All of my children are special in different ways and here are only a few about My Maggie...
Maggie arrived one minute behind Caden weighing in at 4lbs. 7oz. and was the tiniest thing I had ever seen but right away she showed her personality and said Hello world!
Many, many times she would be mistaken for a boy, even when I dressed her in head to toe pink, but without hair people thought she was a boy. She didn't know or care and was always smiles.

Once on the go, Maggie was always exploring new adventures of life - NEVER sitting still for long.
However, she is always available for cuddles and smiles - this is one of my favorite photos with Maggie
She was the first to walk and the first to talk. She was always asking "what's that" and when the phone rang "who is it". She is always laughing and if I could bottle up her laughter I would. My Maggie loves to have fun and we love having fun with her. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think she has fun in life.
She loves costumes and surprises us with what she will wear next. You just never know what she will find to put on for her next adventure.
Most of all Maggie is a cheerleader to all - you do something and she cheers you on, even if it is the smallest accomplishment in the world, to her everything is a big deal "You did it!" is her cheer!
As shown here she is cheering on her cousin Natalie for catching the bouquet.
So to my independent, fearless, stubborn and adventure loving child I hope you have learned a lesson and be reassured that Mommy will do her part to make sure you can't get out of the house by yourself anymore! No matter what you do in life Maggie Lynne please don't ever stop dancing, exploring or laughing we love you and the joy you bring into the world.
And to all of those out there who are judging that mom and criticising her for what happened, please stop and just pray for this family as they have to bury a child that brought laughter and love into their lives.
You never know it could have happened to you.
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